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Agust, An Alpha's Lycan King [BL]

Chapter 4 U Wrong, Me Right, Jal Bwa… Ddaeng

Word Count: 1673    |    Released on: 12/12/2023

Zhu," King


into the alpha's eyes as if he were trying to see whatever emotion was in the

the Lycans—" Alpha Park said and this time, the King just let out a laug

't be that gullible, right?" King Agust asked in

e emotions that fast? It wasn't like there was anything funny about the situat

ay. I will reject you every single day until the only thing you can remember about me

nced back and suddenly it was like they were in a haunted house, o

ent, the way your face scrunches in angry pleasure, the way you moan while

le I cuddled you last night in your sleep, the way you moaned my

aking me forget you, but I have a long list of things to remember you by, my beautifu

r's and their breaths were on each other's faces. Just a litt

s despise you, Agust," A

ust chuckl

ked, and before the Alpha could respond, he slammed their lips together, as he pushed his m

rotch, gently stroking him, while the hand on Alpha Park's neck, rubbed the spot he would mark, Alpha let

against the pleasure. And so, in that moment, the defiant Alpha figured he didn't have anything

is was p

thinking the l

t said to his mate once they pulled back for the kiss. He could see th

that was more than enough to get him in a good mood, even though he

pha Park w

g was b

e off the door, before doing something the flustered Alpha hadn't expecte

Alpha Park excited… until he realized that he

what is an hour more?" the King said before he walked back to where he had been, leaving behind a co

Alpha Park asked himself once

gest Alpha in the realm. The mad King had captured his warriors

a concept that got him wondering whether it was consent he had

his day had been until a group of wolves had been attacked by Lyc

he Lycans hated werewolves and were

hat the Lycans could kill wolves. It was just war after war

gone when he got there and his people were suddenly choking on p

it was engineered perfectly to take out everyone and anyone Alpha had co

people, worrying for them and thinking of the different thi

rk had a pack to protect and people to keep not only safe but sane. It was a hard task,

d when he realized he had

lace so empty and lonely. He made sure to look presentable after the s

buy him favor with

o whatever it took. He even changed the sheets on the bed he had slept in, an act that on

called out when he r

he whole place looked like a torture chamber and when he tried to check

't proof of life here, and even with his werewolf hearing, Alpha Park c

a Park called again, worried

ow long it took. The fact that his voice was echoing in the empty castle terrified hi

im names, said he hated him, and even wished him dead and a rejection. He ha

olute chaos, with his voice echoing over and over.

felt like a trapped pri

s he looked around. Every step he made forward, got him further from

watching him, enjoying his misery as he struggled to find a way to the impossibl

other than his life and will, that he had already lost the

esponse, however, he noticed there weren't any

please come for me?"


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