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Claimed By Two Rivals

Chapter 80 A long hidden truth

Word Count: 1580    |    Released on: 08/12/2023


me?" I asked after a while

for Nolan to say, not me. When you

can't tell you either," I resp

eally goin

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1 Chapter 1 First day of school2 Chapter 2 Strange attraction3 Chapter 3 New found interest4 Chapter 4 The arrival of a rival5 Chapter 5 School blog drama6 Chapter 6 Broken rule7 Chapter 7 The drama never seemed to end8 Chapter 8 Audacious new girl9 Chapter 9 Trying to figure out the truth10 Chapter 10 Partners or not 11 Chapter 11 Making his feelings known12 Chapter 12 Complicated past13 Chapter 13 Confused feelings14 Chapter 14 A friendly advice15 Chapter 15 Unexpected occurrences16 Chapter 16 A slight change in feelings 17 Chapter 17 Mission accomplished18 Chapter 18 Happiness or a parent's happiness 19 Chapter 19 Feeling guilty20 Chapter 20 Something shocking21 Chapter 21 Unexpected gratitude22 Chapter 22 Looking beneath the surface23 Chapter 23 Lifted spirit24 Chapter 24 Unannounced visit25 Chapter 25 Awkward dinner26 Chapter 26 Mystery secret27 Chapter 27 A threat that needs to be stopped28 Chapter 28 A fierce clash29 Chapter 29 Gossips and punishments30 Chapter 30 Behind the facade31 Chapter 31 The middle woman32 Chapter 32 Father and son arguments33 Chapter 33 Exciting news for all34 Chapter 34 Compromise and restrictions35 Chapter 35 Something was wrong36 Chapter 36 Heart-heart conversation37 Chapter 37 Well-thought-out plans38 Chapter 38 Failed plans39 Chapter 39 Repaying debts40 Chapter 40 An entirely different place41 Chapter 41 Strange feeling42 Chapter 42 Mate and mate bonds43 Chapter 43 Not like other girls44 Chapter 44 Working on a farm45 Chapter 45 A civilized truce46 Chapter 46 Confession, rejection, and inciting hatred47 Chapter 47 A problem without a solution48 Chapter 48 The incident49 Chapter 49 Strange50 Chapter 50 Party time51 Chapter 51 Strange behavior52 Chapter 52 Flower in full bloom53 Chapter 53 Afraid of the new-found feelings54 Chapter 54 A tour55 Chapter 55 A dark force that needs to be stopped56 Chapter 56 Unrequited feelings 57 Chapter 57 A rollercoaster of emotions58 Chapter 58 Giving her a choice59 Chapter 59 Pains from the past60 Chapter 60 Mates are the worst thing that could happen to anyone61 Chapter 61 In deep trouble62 Chapter 62 A lesson that needed to be learned63 Chapter 63 Deception64 Chapter 64 First argument65 Chapter 65 A coincidental meeting66 Chapter 66 A fun ride out67 Chapter 67 In a happy mood68 Chapter 68 Ruined portrait69 Chapter 69 Caught in the act70 Chapter 70 Getting two mates71 Chapter 71 The rumour72 Chapter 72 Trusted friendship73 Chapter 73 Fight for ownership74 Chapter 74 Back again75 Chapter 75 Party bells76 Chapter 76 Finding mates77 Chapter 77 Dashed dreams78 Chapter 78 Heated arguments79 Chapter 79 Dinner surprise80 Chapter 80 A long hidden truth81 Chapter 81 The Betrayal82 Chapter 82 A friendship betrayed83 Chapter 83 A missing part84 Chapter 84 Secrets and bullies85 Chapter 85 Digging for answers86 Chapter 86 A night to remember87 Chapter 87 Gaining a wolf and a mate88 Chapter 88 Ravenna89 Chapter 89 You lose some, you win some90 Chapter 90 Deceived for years91 Chapter 91 Game over92 Chapter 92 Letting go of the past93 Chapter 93 Reconciliation94 Chapter 94 Surprise appearance95 Chapter 95 The search96 Chapter 96 A stranger who resurrected97 Chapter 97 Whole family98 Chapter 98 Mystery call99 Chapter 99 Nemesis from the past100 Chapter 100 About to be exposed