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The Man in Lonely Land


Word Count: 1468    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

hen the other. "What very piggy relations I have," he said, opening his napkin. "Not a word of greeting

and we can't if we're particular about manners. I hate manners. I guess I get it from you, Uncle Winthrop. I heard Miss Robin French say

s mouth was full of soup. "What'

being invited where one doesn't want

d first. We've been crazy to see you. We had something to tell you. I think I'll sit down here right by you; it's too far off behind those

nd make up, which is more than your heathen brother does. Not another one!" The dish of almonds was withdrawn from Channing's reach. "Let me see your hands, sir! And you a member of polite s

sticks!" Channing's li

ll night, and if there's breast enough for everybody, I think he'd better have that. And I'll take plenty of gravy, please, and stuffing, if there's oysters in it. Wait a minute!" Dorothea's hand went

had not stopped work; and at the last word he leaned forward and ma

were eating with the eagerness of little pigs; eating as if afraid their plates would be withdrawn before they had had their fill. O

her uncle's eye and l

nd eyes half closed,

nd we're not half th

, who came closer. "Wh

re mayonnaise on it

and. "It's mushrooms and white grapes

Winthrop. Mother had it for lunch the day that scraggy-looking woman and her daughter were here from London.

g's fork was pointed

cked th

y. We are scientifics, Channing and I. We've been brought up on a book, and we don't get enough to eat. Mother says everything has been learned out of science now-I mean about how much children can eat, and how much they

d the turkey in sight for the salad to come, and his fork w

fore all this science had been found out. If we sneeze we have to be sprayed, and if we cough we're sterilized or something, and the only word in the English language Antoinette pronounces right i


he mo

he mo

anybody kiss babies th

o let people kiss them

don't believe in sci

n his young nephew-"suppose your husband does. Surely a

er would let us have anything we want, but he says mother must decide. He's so

ll. You can have my salad, Dorothea, if you'll give me your ice-c

Laine's voice made e

ate leavings fro

through the door and I heard her say she never ate trash

little arms. "Once upon a time there was a lady who lived in a garden and she ate something she ou

one in her mouth. "She was made out of Adam's rib, and Adam was made out of the dust of t

in his big blue eyes d

made out of dust

ere dust

d there's no use letting things hurt that you can't help! But I don't think mother knows, Uncle Winthrop, and please don

brought him he bowed ceremoniously, then put it down to light a cigar. There were times when he wished

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