Just for two weeks
s she's been off work. The wine glass stood next to the books that was carefully arranged on the table, dripping wet, from the ice that she
ke something new whenever she looked, the tall glass buildings and the fumes from the busy factories near the blocks, the anticipation of the sunset. But none of that gave her the relaxation she was hoping for, she dangled the chair search
usements. She made her way through the thong along the pedestrian still contemplating which way to go for better relaxation. She could take a taxi but then she might not get back on time to continue her work and she didn't plan to go far away from the blocks. She could go in, for a few bowling games at the "All stars" but judging from th
r balcony. It wasn't what Lola was expecting but the intensity she saw on the faces of those that came out to see the game made her think of staying. And she has also ran out of options on where to escape to so the game was her last option. She got to a spot where she can get a better vi
eam is waving their flag. The players had sports uniforms that hung on their body loosely, in two
ear is cheers and chatter from the crowd. In a game where one has to jump for a throw the players hardly made efforts because of their heights that was l
ed, with smiles, laughter and anticipation of the players attempt to score while covered in sweat and grime, the game was so lively that people bet on players and people recorded with their Smartphones. With the intensity of the game,
n, how they work with other people, if they are selfish beings, their c
me from the neighborhood, she pointed out she was having a bad day and decided to go for a walk, remembering the games are usually on she decided to make a stop as usual to enjoy the marathon. They went ahead to discuss the role of solo-preneur
m and they would crumble, but when you are self taught, you barely have anything to loose, y
partners are hard to find these days. A business remark Bella made but Lola couldn't help the memories of Steve that flashed before her eyes. Thank God the gam
g person who is tired of the System and traditional way of most young people live, discovered the average is the enemy and decided Entrepreneurship is her passion. She went ahead to share her ideas on how it would make a good differenc
played as the people talked about it and slowly made their way to their various destinations, the neighbors slowly retiring to their houses, and the ones that watched from afar made their way to their duties. Bella suggested they go to the nearby coffee shop for a sneak peek Lola agreed and they head out fro
up for all the time she was unavailable, judging from the way papers sprawled on the table at her work space. The house was peaceful and relaxing, the lights gave it a cozy look, and one can still enjoy all that, and more when the windows slid open. Lola went straight to the fridge and pulled out a wine bottle and got two glasses that glistened from the kitchen cabinet. (Exactly what Emelia needed) she was dying with curiosity to know what Lola had been up to after disappearing, though she knows the