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My Billionaire Boss Revenge

Chapter 12 A choice to make

Word Count: 1024    |    Released on: 13/01/2024



and again and angrily th

every minute of the day with her. Leaving her like that was the h

to be cuddl

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1 Chapter 1 The New CEO2 Chapter 2 Beautiful Witch 3 Chapter 3 Dangerous Anger4 Chapter 4 The Contract 5 Chapter 5 The Bomb6 Chapter 6 In Pains 7 Chapter 7 The Secret House 8 Chapter 8 VERONICA BLACK 9 Chapter 9 Preparing for the Contract 10 Chapter 10 My Own11 Chapter 11 R-1812 Chapter 12 A choice to make 13 Chapter 13 Arthur and Veronica 14 Chapter 14 Fearing for Amelia 15 Chapter 15 Daring Veronica 16 Chapter 16 Man Of My Dreams 17 Chapter 17 KINGS DINE18 Chapter 18 Paradise 19 Chapter 19 A date to remember 20 Chapter 20 Sandra and Lucy 21 Chapter 21 Hanging Out 22 Chapter 22 Ecstasy 23 Chapter 23 New Terrain24 Chapter 24 Exploring 25 Chapter 25 Unexpected Guest, Unexpected News26 Chapter 26 Getting evidence 27 Chapter 27 Escape 28 Chapter 28 Betrayal 29 Chapter 29 Back home30 Chapter 30 A lost friend31 Chapter 31 A second chance32 Chapter 32 A new birth 33 Chapter 33 A hard decision 34 Chapter 34 A ghost from the past35 Chapter 35 Plan in motion 36 Chapter 36 A well played game 37 Chapter 37 Undeserved Pleasure 38 Chapter 38 Unveiled Secrets39 Chapter 39 Confessions and Reflection 40 Chapter 40 Preparation and Promises41 Chapter 41 Meeting Arthur 42 Chapter 42 A changed Arthur 43 Chapter 43 ARTHUR's Plot44 Chapter 44 Everything Luxury 45 Chapter 45 Hurting Amelia 46 Chapter 46 Passionate Understanding 47 Chapter 47 Broken 48 Chapter 48 A Mother's Fear49 Chapter 49 Uncertain Promises 50 Chapter 50 Ties That Bind and Breaks 51 Chapter 51 Words of encouragement 52 Chapter 52 Unforseen Event53 Chapter 53 Unveiling truth 54 Chapter 54 Arthur's Resolve 55 Chapter 55 A Test Of Strength 56 Chapter 56 A case of hope57 Chapter 57 A source of warmth 58 Chapter 58 The Revelation 59 Chapter 59 Suspicions 60 Chapter 60 Alliance 61 Chapter 61 An Unannounced Guest 62 Chapter 62 Kyle meets grandpa63 Chapter 63 Kiss with passion 64 Chapter 64 A happy home 65 Chapter 65 Unexpected Questions 66 Chapter 66 Love love67 Chapter 67 The big news 68 Chapter 68 The She-devil69 Chapter 69 Confrontation 70 Chapter 70 A wrong choice of word 71 Chapter 71 Opening up to Arthur 72 Chapter 72 Veronica's plan73 Chapter 73 Arthur's love confession 74 Chapter 74 Lucy75 Chapter 75 Reunion 76 Chapter 76 Tension77 Chapter 77 Plans in motion 78 Chapter 78 Kyle's Outburst79 Chapter 79 Amelia's fears 80 Chapter 80 Amelia's Dilemma 81 Chapter 81 Arthur's Dilemma 82 Chapter 82 Sandra is a bad influence 83 Chapter 83 Ladies night gone wrong 84 Chapter 84 A public fight85 Chapter 85 A drunk night repercussion 86 Chapter 86 Kyle's payback87 Chapter 87 Scary Sandra