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Ruthless King

Chapter 4 Despair

Word Count: 2487    |    Released on: 28/11/2023

. Emaline and her mother stood outside the house, checking the surroundings. The gentle breeze ca

beauty of the moment. She was a vulnerable creature, one who could not be left to her own without the

umstances. She possessed no right to voice her complaints, her surroundings a mere los

a peculiar realization that had dawned upon her at a young age and had stayed with her ever since. She often

rely plausible that her companions had taken refuge in seclusion, or perhaps they had already succeeded

lay in the night, feigning slumber, the heated bickering of her parents filled the air.

s still managed to penetrate her consciousness, like

ing's sight is disturbingly identical to the one when her father stood outside the garde

quite some time now." They always wait for the head of the famil

voice, she couldn't help but detect a hint of worry.

tern. Beyond the protective barrier erected by her

world beyond the confines of her surroundings. The wall that stood before her was an i

medical professionals, for the simple reason that the worl

nd her two companions had made. They had vowed to never breach the confines of the wall without t

er are breaking their vow. Her father's h

e in short gasps, as if they were struggling to keep up with the frantic beating of their hearts.

turn home soon. Rest assured, he will," Emaline declared with convi

a distinct advantage for her. Deprived of sight, she relied on her other senses to navigate he

her might, the metallic taste of blood filling her mouth. Her mother's stern

d." Her mother pleaded with her, her voice shaking with fear. "Please, don't do it," she implored,

thing with her senses. The world around her seemed to have faded into a dull, life

e wind. She listened to the horizon, searching for any hint of movement, but the landscape remained still and silent

e anxious. Evelyn's gaze kept darting to

nsides as they pondered the fate of the man. Had some misfortune befallen him? The th

n the basement. I'll just look into what happe

self-defense and handling weapons, it's dangerous outside!" Emaline's mind was a tumultu

lost, as she awaited the arri

r. "I understand your worries, Ema," the mother spoke in a gentle tone, her eyes brimming wi

had no idea what to think when both of her parents

here," she asked her mother an her eyes began to well up with tears, the salty droplets threatening to spill over at

eems to be against her will to leave her kid, the girl's mother is still undecided and unsure of what to do. The

hem. At the sight of her husband, she let out a deep sigh and appeared to be seized with a sense of trep

an's hand shot out and pulled her inside the

around, his eyes meeting hers. "What is going on with you?" the woman inquired. Emaline had

ower your voice, Evelyn. I stood resolutely outside, dete

essed the startling scene before them. The woman

er voice trembling with

e, and her father misled them since

etched on his face, the man vowed, "Should they dare to tres

make their decision. Only they possessed the power to safegu

nation of her head, Emaline acknowledged the statement. She was a dutiful daughter, always adhering

azed at them with a resolute expression and de

heir happiness at the thought of having her as their own. Emaline possessed a gentle nature, one that was not prone to abrasiv

down the stairs to the basement. When an emergency happens,

heartedly. Emaline cannot see her parents' emotions. Not only were they her

s echoed in her ears. "We love you too," she

o much

ffection for the people who had spoken those

a single tear trickled down Emaline's cheek, a poignant symbol of the emotions that welled up insi

till, her eyes fixed on the door. "Stay here," he whispered, his voice barely

With a subtle inclination of her head,

pot where her parents had left her with a h

the sounds that surrounded her, each one distinct and yet blending together in a symphony of n

the night would pass without any unfortunate events. As she waite

otgun tightly in his hand, his knuckles turning white from the pressure

for they possessed an otherworldly power that surpassed that of any mere mortal. Their agility, speed, and strength were unmatc

o women and four men stood before them, their eyes fixed on them. The eyes of the person in q

nse. A sly grin crept across the face of one of them as they cast a knowing

ipped at his face, sending shivers down his spine. He could feel his heart pounding in

s she gazed into his eyes. The vampires gazed upon the couple with a ravenous hu

om them." There was a moment of silence a

referring. The child was pure, untouched by the world's corruption. In the e

n stood their ground, unyielding in their resolve. The thought of their daughter being lef

d they were to pass away today, their beloved child would remain unscathed and protected

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