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Lila is Mine

Lila is Mine

Author: Ber_Lyn

Chapter 1 Lila

Word Count: 2549    |    Released on: 23/11/2023

world filled with magical creatures. She was a member of a secret organization vested with the power to control these creatures to prevent them from acting excessively o

ave her a wink. "I guess it's a good thing I'm such a great brother, huh?" he said, with a playful grin. "The best," she replied, giving him a hug. "And don't you forget it!" "When you two are done playing sibling love, come down here for dinner" Mrs Anderson said from the kitchen. Lila could already perceive the aroma of the meal cooking. It made her mouth water. "How much I've missed this" she muttered with a smile knowing she loves food. Matt who had been sitting quietly, rushed to the table with Lila and Jeremy. Once they're all seated, Mrs. Anderson brings over the food, placing a cheeseburger in front of each of them. There's also a big bowl of fries and a pitcher of cold soda on the table. "So...what's going on with Isabel...I've missed her so much"Lila says. "Of course you do, you'll get to meet at the institute when you resume" Matt replies. "She's one of the strongest people I know in the quove and I'm not playing. You should have seen the way she was trained when I was still a junior. I'm glad all she learned paid off" Lila concludes. "Of course, the mysterious creatures in our world keep increasing and becoming more powerful...we have to increase efforts and enforce hard training on our juniors hence they become powerful beyond control" Matt said with a serious tone. "The powers bestowed on the quove and it's members are like magic powers but to be used for good. To control the bad and promote the good" he continues. "You know Lila, as members of the quove, we are not just here for nothing, we were born for this. That's why children are trained so early" He goes further. The conversation got so deep that they forgot dinner was in front of them. "Oh my goodness, the food is getting cold." They turned to see Jeremy with an almost empty plate. "Glutton" Lila said with a giggle "We both know who loves food more here "Jeremy replied almost choking. "You see, you almost choked on your food"...Matt added. Jeremy takes the teasing in stride - he knows his siblings are just messing with him. He's such a good sport! With the jokes out of the way, they can finally get to eating dinner. But Lila has a question for Jeremy before they dig in. "So, how's the Quove doing lately?" she asks. "Any new developments?" "Yes we.... "That reminds me," Matt says cutting Jeremy half way...."Jer bear has got himself a girlfriend and you're still single as hell." "Seriously Matt....this tactic won't work on me..." Lila answered. Congratulations Jer. Tell me everything. Jeremy seems a little flustered by the sudden attention, but he manages to collect himself and starts telling Lila all about his new girlfriend. "Well, her name is Lily and she's really great," he says, his face glowing with happiness. "She's smart, funny, and just so easy to talk to. We've been dating for a couple of months now, and it's just been amazing." As he continues to gush about Lily, Lila and Matt just smile and listen, happy to see their brother so smitten. "In addition to that....my dear sis When are you going to introduce the lucky man to us" Matt insists. "Seriously" Lila said in disbelief. "There's no gentleman..." she concluded with a smile. "I guess Lila's not ready to be with someone for now since Troy"....Jeremy said. Those words felt like her heart had been pricked by a sharp needle. All the memories came flushing back into her brain....she remembered Troy who use to be her heart throb and how everything ended...how much they loved each other and now he was with someone else. "Well, I've gotten over him now so no need to feel bad" she muttered to herself as a little consolation. Jeremy realized how sad she had become and apologized for what he said There was no problem actually because she wasn't just sad about Troy, she was also sad about how everyone sees her in the quove. They only know her as the traitor's daughter and it's pretty difficult living with such shame. Troy was the one who made her feel wanted apart from her family and friends. I'm so sorry Lila, these people don't actually see that you are more than just your father's daughter...Jeremy says in a bid to console her. "Thanks a lot Jer. She felt happy having Jeremy and Matt to comfort her. "You shouldn't care about what these people say...you should stay strong always. Don't let their words get to you" Matt added. With the support of her brothers, Lila's spirits begin to lift. She starts to feel more optimistic and hopeful. The dark cloud of sadness and self-doubt begins to lift, replaced by a sense of st

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1 Chapter 1 Lila 2 Chapter 2 The Quove3 Chapter 3 The Mysterious Man4 Chapter 4 The Party5 Chapter 5 The Mystery Man Again6 Chapter 6 Lost In His Eyes7 Chapter 7 My Father Doesn't Love Me8 Chapter 8 The Slut9 Chapter 9 The Mission10 Chapter 10 No Soy Tu Amor(I am not your love)11 Chapter 11 We Make a GoodTeam12 Chapter 12 The Portal 13 Chapter 13 Unbearable Silence14 Chapter 14 Lost in the Woods15 Chapter 15 A Peaceful Night in the Woods16 Chapter 16 Changes 17 Chapter 17 The Portal is Found 18 Chapter 18 The Hotel by the Beach19 Chapter 19 The Hotel by the Beach II20 Chapter 20 The Enemy Attacks21 Chapter 21 The Date 22 Chapter 22 I Love you, Be My Girl23 Chapter 23 Girls' Night 24 Chapter 24 The Attack on Girls' Night25 Chapter 25 The Flashback 26 Chapter 26 The Scar27 Chapter 27 Group D77, team 9.28 Chapter 28 The Artifacts29 Chapter 29 The Mirror of Balidar(My True Nature)30 Chapter 30 Troy 31 Chapter 31 Artifact One is Stolen32 Chapter 32 You are Drunk!33 Chapter 33 The Arrest34 Chapter 34 Area 2, Building 19.35 Chapter 35 Frank Meyer36 Chapter 36 Magdalene Lightwood37 Chapter 37 The Dinner 38 Chapter 38 The Trial39 Chapter 39 The Plan40 Chapter 40 Prison Break 41 Chapter 41 She Knows!42 Chapter 42 Reinstated43 Chapter 43 Your New Home44 Chapter 44 The Quovent is Corrupt!45 Chapter 45 Finding Ron46 Chapter 46 Finding Ron II47 Chapter 47 Michael Lightwood is Alive 48 Chapter 48 Ron is Innocent 49 Chapter 49 Ron is Innocent II50 Chapter 50 Michael is Caught!51 Chapter 51 Ron is Captured52 Chapter 52 Michael's Trial53 Chapter 53 Michael's Trial II54 Chapter 54 The Execution 55 Chapter 55 The End