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His Obsession, My Brother

Chapter 2 The Company

Word Count: 2193    |    Released on: 19/11/2023



ryone in his office stood up and bowed before they

ommented his friend Jason. It's like E

change at all, he just looked se


from me" Ezekiel said to his friend, tired and

tion, but Jason just laughed at him, ma

because it r

fucking m

ately fell silent when someone knocked on the door. Ezekiel i

, he immediately apologize

ame serious as he realized that the girl he and Jas

. Don't you miss me?" He said with

me" He said calmly. Aime is still listening and smiling at

only visit you he

n leave my office" Aime just frowned at her and stared blankly while Ezekiel lo

a smile. Ezekiel already knew what he was plan

t is

ffs his neck. "Let's Make a love tonight" He added so E

one of your men. You should be shy because you're a woman. I won 't ever give the c*ck on mine on you remember that. And we are already do

vily after he


is going to play basketball.

me angry. I hit his brain against the

got you and I just need two girls" Coah said. This man is really torturing me even more than the

etball they belong to volleyball. Girl

I approached him and immediately

and two boys for the event. My voice is a bit sporty so the attention of the other secti


ight-" I shook

o go throug

t woman. Think I'll just crush

sure" I s

do it?" I could see the excitement on his face. The coach f

and turned to face him. He knows how angry I am, he can

was stopped from practice because this 'Famous Handsome' boy on campus is said

on him. He lost by picking a card. I got the green and red

as my first score. Its face cannot be painted when it is shot. Shocked and motionless. The


old towards him. His forehead frowned so I was still in place again. I had the ball a

ce so I have a chance to dunk it. Not everything they think i

ar from every student here is so powerful tha

ka, just so you know"

He immediately put a burden on me so I chased him to get

ou're gre

Mika, you

ka go

to pass-" He said so.

He looked at me in

ter I blinocked the ball. He looked at us in shock and annoyance and everyone was shocked b

5'5, he's still able to block Mi

that's why I blocked the 5'9,

ely extended my hand in front of him to help him. He looked at it for a few secon

ding, so if you improve your moves even more, I am sure you will be stronger than I expected right now" Immediately

think that you were stronger than I expected and when you shot 3points. When you dunk. When you Vanishinh drive I didn't realize that because you

se you're getting smaller like us, forget it, at least I show

od at defending and passing the balls. While I was made Captain at first, I

o the mansion to slow down, but I heard a conv

bout then leave, I don't f*cking need you" He said angrily so

ed Ezekiel, don't

brother in a

widened when he kissed my brother. I lost my balanc

our brother had a relationship? Why will I be hu

ying??' I will immediately. The door of my room was locke

if my brother had committed a g

heard my brother's voice knocking. I ignored it and got up to ge

amor" I heard her sad voice so I opened the door. I

" I complained so he let g


ant to hear your explanat

mmediately slapped him har

r siblings to stick together, but what you're sticking to is too much Let's be married. You should have let me know that you are in a relationship so that I won't be hurt by that. I will admi

not lik

first and go back to your work" I sa

ave work because I'm out" I

hey why did we do it at the same time but that's okay because if we win the fina

footsteps and I knew it was my brother. I immediately turned

a bad morning" He

Tang*na!" I'm interested. He sighed and sat down, so I sat down too. The surround

g to tell you" He immediately covere

did that without your information, and if you try to divorce me, d

let me know that I can't come home at five o'clock in the afternoo


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