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Prospect For Reincarnation: From Common Fodder To Calamity

Chapter 2 Prospect For Reincarnation

Word Count: 1452    |    Released on: 19/11/2023


he was more concerned about the biza

as tha


as tha

istence at present was too abstract. Not abstrac

normal person placed

dn't seem like he

identifiable metric, he managed to understand that

ter, everyt

covered his

seemed like

shape together – spotted the same twilight fog hue, wi


y biz

ilence in this p

nce that threatened t

when the oddly inhumane voice cam

ted Foyer of New Beginnings', an establishme

n carefully. Your fears and ques

gible for a process that is supported by this

luate you. When all proceedings are completed, you will be give

ingent set of deliberations has been to be conduc

was a

g addressed

a lot t



ence to understand as soon as the odd voice made mention of th

nuance as well, though this did not aid his a

s the a

inly not wha

something mo

ed a chance to gain a ne

he incarnated into a new

is all

t soldier? Gaini

ts of your past life are only taken into account for the choices th

red path among them, you will pass through TEN FLOORS from one of

by extension the Floors, may be predictable and easy, or vexing and imp

s anothe

ed to value having those it addressed understand th

from his old life except for vivid memorie

e these

the voice

n and considerati

next new life? Please choose fro

look at, emerged before the Incarnate's

the next moment, and he was inst


ading the contents of the tablet as though they w


ne, skilled maraude

n adored, rich, and envied

eled master of harrowing

a powerful, loathed r

– a half-divine in an

chanter of all crops

– a talented martial art


ere laid out,

t first, but quickly getting enlightened by an uns


t in, he became eager

e thought, a subtle feeling of exhila

stined to become after 'Reincarnation', a

ver even thought of ther

l this

d didn't have the capacity to conjure such an elab

ons closely, afraid th

rs of working with others, he couldn't see a vision of himself living alone, no matter how skilled. What wo

e power to use dead men as his warriors was rather powerful, he did not quite like it. He had spent his

he killing

etter life, but being who he was, he had seen a great number of envied, wealthy people die, even wit


new Incarnat

r his ideals if he desired. Better yet, he would be powerful, and be able to fend f

is what he r

made to understand what the celestial plane meant. It related to the divine. Even in his world – normal as it was – there was belief in the

01. He didn't think he could weather trials about far

t option cam

erent from what he was in his previous life, he could be something more than the average soldier who clung to and p

8001 would have let out a yell

idn't take l

two – for him at leas

t it. As soon as he made up his mind


for your co

transported into 'Bahathraden, the Compo


'Isolated Foyer o

r surprise, the cubical room of twilight hu

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