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Let me love you!

Chapter 2 Should I tell him

Word Count: 1683    |    Released on: 18/11/2023

who don't, have their means of transportation. Therefore, the first car park to be encount

alked out of the supermarket in the park. As the young man approached, Eshin came down from his car and signaled Anurak to do th

The man complained whil

help matters." Eshin then waved to Anurak. "Anurak, come over h

put his palms together and greeted the stra

w." The man responded in excitement

the introduction. "You have met him before but it wa

plied. "I was alr

rak stole some money and ran away from home. He traveled down to Bangkok alone on a train. When he got to the station, he made a call to Aunty Cahya and this guy was the person who came to t

were a baby too. How can you possi

pick me up. After that, you both took me to a chil



ud were shocked

ow I see why Bright wouldn't stop boasting about hi

nly his friends called him that. He tried several times to get Anurak to call him 'Bright', but just

ence is on the other side of the school. This si

y exited the park and made their way back to the roundabout then le

ark. With Sud showing the way, Eshin left the main road and maneuvered through a couple of smaller roads

r car and bike under a large canopy before joining a ceaseles

inging from side to side as he tried to take in his sight without running into his brother's back.

hool. P'Eshin, is there somethi

wasn't just pretty, depending on his style for the day and haircut, Anurak could effor

ring of blue around his pitch-black pupils. Anurak's eyes were always looking sober, gentle

ghtly long face. His eyelids were the common Asian eyelids with tiny swells under the eyes, but it only made him more cute. Even though he had high cheekbones, he would

topped just after his earlobes. Not that he had grown anything significant, but Anurak planned to keep the hairs away. He started shaving thr

on the eyes, and smooth to the touch

etty face, the earrings Anurak wore

sured him that apart from near-nude attires, Sunny-Uni accepts all other types of dressing and accessories that can complement the standard white shirt and blac

d pyramid in the left ear. Not only that, he was fully dressed in his red and black power bike safety gear with only the helmet missing. Anurak looked like a bike race sup

chuckled at

im?" Sud asked E

him find out

ed when he

they talk

irt and tugged at it. "Phi,

ly. He could still remember some of the pranks they played on him back then. But unless they tell him what was going on, Anurak really cou

g with his unpredictable father had taught him that anxiety

r stopped him from havi

day, right? If he dares, he knows I will snitch to Aunty Cah

of the building and by the two sides too. One side of the hall was filled with tables for two, tables for three and four. While the other side had a line-up of long benches attached to long tab

d staff members standing on it, either going up or coming down. Some had stern looks like they

ors above. The unconcealed surprise, lewd gazes, and curious stares upset him. He didn't

they appreciated his good looks. But the lewd ones annoyed him a lot. Even thou

Khun: Good mo

one doing the greeting. If it's a female doing

right. (When used

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1 Chapter 1 Arriving At Sunny-Uni.2 Chapter 2 Should I tell him 3 Chapter 3 Registration.4 Chapter 4 Anurak's room.5 Chapter 5 What does he want 6 Chapter 6 Elective courses.7 Chapter 7 Things are looking up8 Chapter 8 So, His name is Tharn!9 Chapter 9 Moonlight Bar10 Chapter 10 Who is he 11 Chapter 11 Faith Lee12 Chapter 12 Take Dæd-Câd13 Chapter 13 Making out in the elevator 14 Chapter 14 Sophea 15 Chapter 15 What did you do all night 16 Chapter 16 Sexually harassed 17 Chapter 17 Good for nothing, rich kids!18 Chapter 18 Good for nothing, rich kids 219 Chapter 19 Backing20 Chapter 20 The Ghost!21 Chapter 21 2,000 Bahts for the best ship name!22 Chapter 22 I am not a pageant guy23 Chapter 23 Exploring 24 Chapter 24 Big Mistake!25 Chapter 25 What should I have done 26 Chapter 26 I am not gay!27 Chapter 27 What is happening to me 28 Chapter 28 Can you explain this video, please 29 Chapter 29 You call this self-defense 30 Chapter 30 Red-Hawk31 Chapter 31 Punish me32 Chapter 32 Basketball court 33 Chapter 33 He would remember this!34 Chapter 34 Aarrrgh!35 Chapter 35 Faith's Request 36 Chapter 36 Siri Saengchan37 Chapter 37 Banned!38 Chapter 38 Panic Attack!39 Chapter 39 Shooting himself in the foot40 Chapter 40 Acceptance 41 Chapter 41 Aunty Cahya's House 42 Chapter 42 Nostalgia43 Chapter 43 Sud wants to tell you something 44 Chapter 44 I am paying your tuition fees!45 Chapter 45 Sud's Bar Club.46 Chapter 46 Everything can't be perfect 47 Chapter 47 He is Wan Lee's Cousin 48 Chapter 48 I know nothing about him. 49 Chapter 49 He is just like Tharn 50 Chapter 50 What if he likes him 51 Chapter 51 Your eyes, I like them.52 Chapter 52 Keep watching them!53 Chapter 53 My name is DAO.54 Chapter 54 My Friend likes you 55 Chapter 55 I think you should forgive him 56 Chapter 56 Give it to me!57 Chapter 57 Why are you doing this 58 Chapter 58 The Food was good.59 Chapter 59 I am not asking!60 Chapter 60 Don't ever do that again!61 Chapter 61 King's Gifts62 Chapter 62 Eat Before Eating 63 Chapter 63 Dine and Dash! 64 Chapter 64 I am leaving First 65 Chapter 65 Fuck This! 66 Chapter 66 Take Care Of My Boyfriend 67 Chapter 67 Think About It. 68 Chapter 68 It was my fault 69 Chapter 69 He won this round! 70 Chapter 70 He is evil71 Chapter 71 Chalerm Studios 72 Chapter 72 Glory Dæd-Câd73 Chapter 73 Opening the show 74 Chapter 74 Not Again! 75 Chapter 75 His Cute Cat76 Chapter 76 He is Mine! 77 Chapter 77 Find that boy! 78 Chapter 78 I don't care! 79 Chapter 79 Hiran Dæd-Câd80 Chapter 80 Because He likes You 81 Chapter 81 Are you jealous 82 Chapter 82 He is a grown man now. 83 Chapter 83 I am not Jealous! 84 Chapter 84 I owe you one. 85 Chapter 85 A Lonely December 86 Chapter 86 I don't know 87 Chapter 87 He made me feel. 88 Chapter 88 The lesser his pain 89 Chapter 89 Remember me 90 Chapter 90 I don't do cheap 91 Chapter 91 Invitation to Dinner 92 Chapter 92 The Dæd-Câd's Villa93 Chapter 93 Dinner with Glory 94 Chapter 94 King's Kidnapping 95 Chapter 95 Any excuse would do 96 Chapter 96 Extremely Lucky 97 Chapter 97 Are you alright 98 Chapter 98 Vandross Truman99 Chapter 99 Top Item100 Chapter 100 False Alarm