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Fifty shades of him

Chapter 2 TWO..

Word Count: 1754    |    Released on: 13/11/2023

was just a year older than Emma but looked older with a lot of makeup and accessories that adorned her body everyday. Despite the age long tradition of getting married at the ag

e told you times without numbers,Adrian Lim, don't talk to me. Don't even look at me, we do not share any relationship, you are nothing but a loser" and with that, she hissed at him before walking away. Just the sight of him disgusted her. **** It was already past ten when the whole family sat down to dinner. It was a large dining hall which contained up to twenty people with more empty seats and everyone was already seated waiting for Elder Chong. While Emma sat close to her sister and her mother, her step mother and her two daughters also sat opposite them. Oliver and her son were beside them while the rest of the family members scattered themselves around with a lot of noise. This was what Emma hated, she just didn't like people who looked like losers. Why didn't the rest of them leave and find jobs? Her thoughts were interrupted when her grandfather and her father sauntered into the dining room while talking in high spirits. Luckily her father was much closer to her grandfather. "Sorry to have kept everyone waiting" Elder Chong apologized while taking his seat, " we got caught up in a little discussion" "Not at all, father" Olivia chipped in, "is is your birthday after all" "Of course" the old man giggled as his attention went round the room but his forehead creased into a frown when he didn't see a certain someone. "Emma?" He called out. "Yes, grandfather?" "Where is your husband? All eyes focused on her and she felt like entering into the ground, was she supposed to be responsible for his wellbeing too? "Why are you asking her, father?" Her mother came to her aid, "is she supposed to call him to come to dinner?" "He can come to dinner by himself, grandfather. Why should I be concerned?" "Sorry everyone" a calm and gentle voice resonated in their ears as another young looking gentleman entered the room. He was dressed in a fine looking suit and he held a gift box in his hand. This was Violet's husband, Elliot Tan. "Happy birthday grandfather, sorry I am just coming from the airport and I decided to come here straight" "Hey baby" a smile crept up on violet's face as she saw her husband, "I didn't know you were going to make it" "Of course baby, I had to" he flashed her another smile. "Thank you Elliot for this wonderful gift" the old man announced, " we should have some wine after dinner" "Of course, grandfather," he nodded with a bow. "Back to you, Emma" the old man was not going to give up, "go and call your husband" "Grandfather!!" "I will go and call him" Bella beamed and stood up but her mother tugged at her hand and pulled her back on the chair. "This does not concern you" she hissed and the twenty four year old girl rolled her eyes. "I will go and call him" Emma had no choice, she knew her grandfather was not going to let her off the hook no matter what. Heaving a sigh for the umpteenth time, she stood up and made her way to the grand stairs. *** Adrian had just had his shower and s

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