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Accidentally Pregnant For My Billionaire Boss

Chapter 2 Episode 2

Word Count: 1977    |    Released on: 12/11/2023


the closet with the dre

reasons why this

on was probably going to come soon, so I

es before Ivy came

e said as she leane

s all I c

ength gown's sharp neckline and exposed leg. It acce

I just looked at the price tag, it costs enoug

to wear it once," I said. "You should take the


back for the zip, s

"The zipper

, I gaze

, we heard the

on sho

ide," and flung the d

ove the garment before Maddi

door sprang open. She was unmistakable;

panied by two

her, Ivy hurried i

, Maddison said, "The wea

at girl couldn't recognize good taste i

when poor people marry into rich families,

y realized I was her

t are you stil

still tidyin

ase on the ground and then t

d, "Why don't you do your

nd bag and put th

Madelyn, get me

rl was probab

e tabloid t

'm going to marry

"You shouldn't be so confide

e becoming dumber." Maddison took a breath. "Besides, I know for a fact that his parents a having a surprise birt

. All she wanted was an opportunity to go after him. Who would

aven't you already tried calling him

Rich, Powerful, and Handsome. Plus, my dad and I already agree that i

he is intelligent enough to dete

port her. I would have to wait for th

great to marry the love of your life? Someone who you can gro

oing something with their lives," Maddison said. "Besides, falling in love with him w

abloid fall t

rek Montenego I need to look gorgeous.

ntenegro," h

n's eye

room and assist Ivy. I could finis

blue eyes," y

looked over my shoulder to see

"Is there anyone else here

Where are m

serious trouble now. How coul

"In your bedr

a habit of hers. I never rolled my eyes because my

the bedroom. Madelyn and

she realized the dress was missin

dn't even realiz

ome furniture and wai

o wear, Maddison spread out

t I ask to have five

ave her a be

but that may lead to the termination of another person.

er off wearing the bl

cuse me," as she

d an eyebrow at me. I was probably fire

rent and not like the other girls. It says 'irresistible', you need to make him imagine what he could have. You will

reflection in the mirror. As she tucked her hair be


should take your job,"

fore any of us get into problems,

have it, Ivy le

l heads turned to watch her. I'm hoping she

ed, "Where were y

I was just cleaning u

"What were you d

st looking for some closet

drawing attention from anyone in the bed

from her hand, Maddi

thing else, ma'a

way, saying, "N

quickly left the

small legs and

er do that to me again; you

st me, I learn

ft finished, and I could hardly stand without feeling as though I was walking on molten

y shift starting next week, so

with my eyes half close

getting ready to leav

makes a loud sound, so

ame from the living

ed to he

usually up and about, attemptin

ing, Mom." "Aren't you preparing t

them for the past 10 years; I have always advised her to look for a

t out

stopped. The tears welling up in her eyes were visible to me. "The manager fired me; they said I

and said, "It's okay Mom

be studying and following your dreams like all your other a

"I could never consider y

ed for a long time b

ou two the life that you des

couldn't have

ou need to get to school. I know you are only join


ring my summer break. I already know everything they

was constantly reading nov

aty how serious she was witho

and lay down fo

epared for you in t

'll just eat," I s

y to my bedr

you need to get ready for school.

s my ho

nd on our rent, so I'm not sure how we were going to make ends meet this mon

ant, and put it into a jar. Maybe by the time I'm forty, I won't be in debt if things conti

e this work,

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