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Mr. CEO's S*xy Maid

Chapter 6 6

Word Count: 2534    |    Released on: 12/11/2023

r. I'm really hoping the treatment she's receiving works, since she's been in a stagnant condition since we found out about her sickness. It was really hard for both of

touched again and again. Ugh, you're so touchy." I pouted and stepped back. "Well then I wouldn't bother to come see you again. You clearly like your space." My mom laughed. "Aww, don't sulk, honey. The evil nurse might just come and give you some injections. I mean, she has an injection for everything, and a really big one for the bad girls." I pulled my cheeks and my mom gave me a forehead kiss. All the color drained from my face when she mentioned injections. I've always been scared of them, and I guess I always will be. She smirked when she saw my reaction, knowing my fear. "Don't be scared, honey. Me and your Grandpa won't let her touch you. But you have to be a good girl," she said with a cheeky smile. "Grandpa? Is he here? Is he coming?" I asked, surprised. I thought he was in Rome. "Ah yes. Your Grandpa is coming all the way from Rome to see his beautiful daughter and..." She paused, eyeing me. "Granddaughter." I would have laughed if I wasn't still shaken up by the injection comment. "Loosen up, girl. I'm the older and sick one here and I'm more loosened up than you. You're acting like a 90 year old," she said. "Okay. Don't just scare me like that again and I wouldn't act like a 90 year old," I replied hoarsely. The next thing I knew, I was getting hit behind my head. "Don't sass me, young lady! I warned you. For the last time, I'm the mother here and you're the daughter," she said. I was rubbing my head while glaring at her. She sure has a lot of strength. "What? Cat got your tongue?" she asked. "Lady, you are testing me," I said, laughing at her when I outsmarted her move by moving my head before her hand connected with my head. I had missed our playful bickering. We had always been like this, and seeing her sick before had killed me. But now that I knew she was better, I loved it. I had to thank the doctors before heading back. "Mother, where is Grandpa going to stay?" I asked while eating a chicken salad I had gotten for myself when I went out to smuggle her favorite food - pizza - from a nearby shop. I had been forced to do this because of her complaints about the cheap hospital food and her threat of giving me injections. I was so scared that I immediately ran out of the room, but I did miss my mother's laugh, which brought an automatic smile to my face. I was happy when she was happy. "You know your grandpa. He has many connections. He'll probably stay with an old friend or at a hotel. I haven't really asked him about it. But you don't need to worry about that. Give some rest to that little head of yours," she said with a mouth full of pizza. "Manners, mother," I said, receiving another hit on my head. I was going to have a concussion soon if she didn't stop hitting me like that. "Who's the mother?" she asked. "You are," I said, sulking. "Good, you're finally developing," she said. My mom gave me a look that I knew all too well. She thought it was funny, but it still hurt. After the meal, she got all serious on me. She looked like a high school teacher who had just caught her student without his homework. "So how do you pay the bills? Because this hospital isn't in our budget and I'm sure you haven't won the lottery," she said in a strict voice. "I work," I replied. She narrowed her eyes at me. She wasn't going to let this go. "I work as a maid for the Hubert'sand Mr Hubert helps me to pay your bills. He even helped me to clear all the bills from your previous hospital," I explained. "Hmm, seems like a nice man but I wonder why? Why would he help you to pay my bills? It's not like you are related to him or something," she asked. "I don't really know, Mom, but he seems like a really nice person. He is good to me and other workers too," I said. She sighed. "So any boys I need to take care of?" She asked, winking at me. I gasped as the thought of William filled my mind again and all the naughty things he did to me. I blushed hard thinking about him. I could never imagine telling all these things to my mother. She would kill William. "Oh my god, Mom! No! No boys," I replied, out of breath. "Aww. My baby has found a boyfriend. Is he hot? Is he a gentleman? Does he treat you properly?" She said in a sing-song voice.

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1 Chapter 1 12 Chapter 2 23 Chapter 3 34 Chapter 4 45 Chapter 5 56 Chapter 6 67 Chapter 7 78 Chapter 8 89 Chapter 9 910 Chapter 10 1011 Chapter 11 1112 Chapter 12 1213 Chapter 13 1314 Chapter 14 1415 Chapter 15 1516 Chapter 16 1617 Chapter 17 1718 Chapter 18 1819 Chapter 19 1920 Chapter 20 2021 Chapter 21 2122 Chapter 22 2223 Chapter 23 2324 Chapter 24 2425 Chapter 25 2526 Chapter 26 2627 Chapter 27 2728 Chapter 28 2829 Chapter 29 2930 Chapter 30 3031 Chapter 31 3132 Chapter 32 3233 Chapter 33 3334 Chapter 34 3435 Chapter 35 3536 Chapter 36 3637 Chapter 37 3738 Chapter 38 3839 Chapter 39 3940 Chapter 40 4041 Chapter 41 4142 Chapter 42 4243 Chapter 43 4344 Chapter 44 4445 Chapter 45 4546 Chapter 46 4647 Chapter 47 4748 Chapter 48 4849 Chapter 49 4950 Chapter 50 5051 Chapter 51 5152 Chapter 52 5253 Chapter 53 5354 Chapter 54 5455 Chapter 55 5556 Chapter 56 5657 Chapter 57 5758 Chapter 58 5859 Chapter 59 5960 Chapter 60 6061 Chapter 61 6162 Chapter 62 6263 Chapter 63 6364 Chapter 64 6465 Chapter 65 6566 Chapter 66 6667 Chapter 67 6768 Chapter 68 6869 Chapter 69 6970 Chapter 70 7071 Chapter 71 7172 Chapter 72 7273 Chapter 73 7374 Chapter 74 7475 Chapter 75 7576 Chapter 76 7677 Chapter 77 7778 Chapter 78 7879 Chapter 79 7980 Chapter 80 8081 Chapter 81 8182 Chapter 82 8283 Chapter 83 8384 Chapter 84 8485 Chapter 85 8586 Chapter 86 8687 Chapter 87 8788 Chapter 88 8889 Chapter 89 8990 Chapter 90 9091 Chapter 91 9192 Chapter 92 9293 Chapter 93 9394 Chapter 94 9495 Chapter 95 9596 Chapter 96 9697 Chapter 97 9798 Chapter 98 9899 Chapter 99 99100 Chapter 100 100