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One Murder to Another

Chapter 5 Cabin & Suitcases

Word Count: 2169    |    Released on: 10/11/2023

es from an apple tree. So far Tami hadn't suspected anything or done anything suspicious either. Just the usual ramblings of spoilt rich kids, party

f air he inhales"

y down the road. He had managed to catch a glimpse of the driver. He was a fair skinned man, in his forties and probably short, judging from the way his head was alm

capades, Hell! Any kid with a hand lens and a pocketful of candy could have easily discovered that. The Johnsons were impossible to ign

ng of what it was, judging by the way she paused when she had spoken the other day. She was c

t was also called the millionaire's playground and a lot of rich folks owned similar cabins on the coast, But when Jim noticed that Tami changed his clothes and car befo

the cabin and didn't want to be embarrassed, Jim didn't know, but he had to check it out. Jim didn't feel he had earned the dough Rebecca was paying him. Right now all Jim had was just an old story, handing in

t sky. Each cabin was fairly spaced from the next one with each having a nice balcony where you could sit with a lover drinking freshly fermented wine, while watching the night

rive by some minutes after nine with two of his friends, he had gotten out of the car and cocked his head sideways in swift motion. Jim guessed he was watching to see if any of the people in the occupied cabins close by was paying him any attention. His bud

a cabin close by. They had their backs to him and he couldn't make out what they were saying. Jim remained there for another thirty minu

vide a fitting cover. After a while, Jim climbed down from the Lexus and made his way towards the cabins on the far side. It was still some distance from where he

et away. Moving cautiously, Jim approached the cabin and mounted the wooden stairs, his rubber soled shoes making as little so

andle, Jim entered into the cabin. Being careful not to put on the lights, he pulled out a small pen to

table in between them. A Turkish rug which felt too expensive to step on covered the wooden floor. There was a small wooden stand which held exotic drinks and a pair of l

efore any one came around. He turned the knob and opened the door slowly. Jim raised his pen torc

her room. H turned the knob, but this

urnished. A big bed stood at the corner of the room with a small standing oak paneled wooden locker by the side of the bed. There was a fairly large wardrobe, a small mirror, a mini ra

't give away much. He made a mental note of her name and neatly shoved back the letters into the locker. There were a f

d come down here particularly because of the two suitcases whic

him a few calories, the two suitcase bounced o

whispered and

desperately trying to get his homework from his bag to avoid being punished, he tore open t

previous night, and judging by their weight they couldn't easily be hidden. Jim's mind we

two suitcases and that it was still in the cabin, so that left him with the question, where had Tami hidden it?. An idea popped

like a bullet sh

o hard before he found it. Just very close to the foot of the bed was a small dent in the otherwise polished floor. He pushed the bed aside and car

guess. Jim carefully lifted one and inspected it, it was sealed and he couldn't see what w

e bag and some substance poured into his hands then he froze. Jim had been totally engr

nstinctively flexed the muscles on the arms and Jim saw two sharp knives jump into his hands. Tami took one good look at

lder slightly missing his jugular by an inch or so. H

fighting skills. With blood still dripping from the sharp blade, he saw Tami raise his right hand. Jim knew he was finished if the blade hit its target. He managed to twist his body slightly to right

ve his body. Jim rolled under Tami throwing him to the ground and kicked his left wrist w

was already in mid air but stopped quickly. Gravity and fear combining brilliantly to bring him crashing back down to ear


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