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Sold to Diaz Cartel

Chapter 3 give it your all

Word Count: 1222    |    Released on: 24/11/2023

o Diaz

: give it

ry time she woke up to the screams of another victim of the vio

e broken souls they left behind as if they were a

Althea, were nothing but a body to sell and fuck.

ood? I want you spotless when I come back.” A

t as she washes herself twice, scrubbing her whole b

s skin as she is rushed out of the shower and into a new outfit th

e up and nails as best as they can in the smallest time frame. She tries to

glitter from head to toe, her hair is combed to the side in

nager stops her with a slap to the hand. “Don’t, he has a very

lthea lost the opportunity

“Manager,” calls Althea in a shy voice. “I thought

ing place since someone already bought you. You really were my favourite.” The surprised expression of the blonde must have been too much for the ma


or you tonight will

s not stupid. She knows exactly what those sound proof doors

d anything more


why she hoped for something a bit less mundane. Warm yellow light shines on the walls covered by a fading red wallpaper, there is only a double sized bed

uscles into stone. He is quite handsome with his sharp jawline and his toned body that shows even under a s

would be but also they are cold and calculating. The duality thr

enly at the rhythm of her breathing to the vein in her neck expanding and c

Althea” the man say

ly one,” She answer

She opens her eyes in panic and stays quiet hoping this

londe, amused. “Well, I suppose that i

e is not sure why but she can't co

speak sweetly and beg for mercy though Althea can’t find the strength

s over her again, fuel

he bed and grabbing Althea’s chin forcing

with blue hair,” She answers. “You

e also quite pricy. Your fans’ bids kept increasing and I had to spend more than I was expecting to." Diaz snaps his fingers

h more strength. Althea brings her hand up to slap the other’s hand away and face the man

the air. “This is Ronan,” intr

surprised look but d

bed. “This is how it’s gonna work, Althea,” says the brunette rolling the last word mockingly. A sly grin forms on his lips as he talks.

rtably in her throat. In a silent response the gun gets pushed harder against her sk

wers Diaz The unmistakable sound of a bullet being



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