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The Human Chord

Chapter 9 No.9

Word Count: 1983    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

ender. Then suddenly Mr. Skale rose and stood with his back to the grate. He gazed down upon the small figure in the chair. He towered th

permission, Mr. Spinrobin, I should like to go a

he other, thinking he

es," repeated

hrill with excitement. He dodged about in the depths of his b

the vibrations of your voice, and then see wh

row dry sand, loosely scattered upon its surface, into various floral and geometrical figures. Chladni's figures, he se

on't o

y interested." He stood up on

ce, your note, is what I think it is-accurately in harmony with mine and

its ribs and back gleamed in the lamplight, and when the clergyman drew the bow across the strings to tune it, smooth, mellow so

le, and carries vibrations almost like a human nerve. For instance, while I speak," he added, laying the vio

obin. It trembled

hen I make a sign. I'll nod, so that the vibrations of my voice won't interfere." And he handed a notebook to him with quotations entered neatly in his own handwriting, selected evidently with a purpose,

the thought; so

of a newly-

ce beyond wher

es when played upon by an intermittent beam of white light. Colored stuffs will sing in lights of different colors, but refuse to sing in others. The polarization of light being now accomplished, light and sound are know

of radiant energy. We vibrate in sympathy with a few strings here and there-with the tiny X-rays, actinic rays, light waves, heat waves, and the huge electromagnetic waves of Hertz

is not the arbitrary name given to it by man, but the expression of the totality of its powers and attributes, because the powers and attributes of each

uched inner chords very close to his own beliefs. Something of his own soul, ther

w singing across the strings. The note he played-he drew it out with that whipping motion of the bow only possible to a loving expert-was soft and beautiful, long drawn out with a sweet singing quality. He took it on the G string with the second finge

laid the violin down again. "I'

n, not sure whether he wa

way, his eyes more luminous than ever. "It's magnificent." He stopped abruptly and looked at the secretary with a gaze so enveloping that Spinrobin for an instant lost his bearings altogether. "It means, my dear Spinrobin," he said slowly, with a touch of solemnity that woke

ng-indeed," was all the li

feel the Atlantic swells rise with him towards the stars before they engulfed him forever. It seemed getting a trifle out of hand, this adventure. Yet it was what he had always longed for, and his courage must hold firm. Besides, Miriam was involved i

ve any doubts, but none the less it will be a satisfaction to us

some finely powdered sand out of a paper bag. It rattled, dry and faint, upon the smooth,

nd-vibrations affect concrete matter. For all sounds produce forms-the forms that correspond to them, as you shall now see. Within every form lies th

tening like a man in a dream, but who caught th

lidified Sound," cried t

inrobin in his shrill voice. "Marvelous!" Vaguely he seemed to

at him as a god might look

lowering of his booming voice, "is the original divine impu

to the end of the room in three strides. He busied himself for a moment with something upon the wall; then he s

d of God-at the thunder of the Voice of God, worlds leaped into being!" Again he paused. "Sound," he went on, the whole force of his great personality in the phrase, "was the primordial, c

hrough his mind, with wings that bore his imagination to a place where light was-dazzling, white beyond words. He felt himself tossed up to Heaven on the waves of a great sea, as the body of strange belief behind t

s pumps were bright and pointed, his head just level with a dark marble mantelpiece. Dazed, and a trifle breathless he felt; and at the back of his disordered mind stirred a schoolboy's memory that the Pythagoreans believed the universe to have been called out

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