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Romeo's Weak Surrogate Wife

Chapter 3 Three.

Word Count: 1654    |    Released on: 08/11/2023

did he forfeit the wedding? I mean he did get an invitation, right?" Romeo asked, stressing the last line with a hint of arrogance. "Oh cool it groom." Xavier shrugged and strode to t

ight for me." Clarissa groaned in frustration as she bumped Hazel. "Oh please Mister Walters. Do you ever check your wife's Instagram page? I doubt so." Clarissa rolled her eyes as she chuckled. "Boring." Romeo spat coldly and left the room, which made Clarissa to walk towards the exit as well. "Geez that was too Brazen Selene. Especially for a family. That's out of line hon." Hazel inquired as she gasped to catch her breath which she lost after running to catch up with Clarissa. "Oh. I apologize for that." She replied as she shoulders came down and formed a hunch. "Don't cry over spilled milk. Suck it up girlie. That was pretty brave to stand against Xavier. No one dares except Romeo of course." Hazel cheered her up as Clarissa's face burn as her husband's name was mentioned positively. "At Ninth grade, Romeo dipped a classmate's head into the flusher for picking on his dog." Hazel kept blabbing. "Even when I fell off my bike in Sports class, he got the students punished for mocking me instead of helping me up." "Aww that's so cool." "Just when you left the room, I suspect he gave Xavier a punch in your defense." Hazel added again which made Clarissa's cheek burn as she turned her gaze to Hazel. "You're Doing this intentionally, right?" Clarissa's eyes turned frosty but still couldn't conceal the blush on her face. "Well, see who's blushing?" Hazel laughed which caused Clarissa to facepalm herself and squealed. She looked so childish and cute. "We're here." The driver spoke up as he pulled up in the parking lot of a gigantic mall. "Okay. Please wait a while. We won't be really long. Maybe few hours?" Hazel smiled cutely at the driver who just chuckled at her and nodded in agreement. As soon as they alighted from the car, a WHOA escaped Clarissa's mouth but quickly held it to keep her secret. "What's up with the sudden amazement? You come here almost every time." Hazel rolled her eyes and pulled Clarissa towards the entrance of the mall. "The Walters. Executive floor please." "We can allow you, but her? Who's she? We don't allow..." The Check-In attendant tried saying but was cut short by Clarissa. "What the hell?" Hazel fumed instantly and had an horrifying look like she was gonna chew the check-in Attendant off any minute soon. "Selene Salvatore-Walters." Clarissa spoke up with a warm smile as she returned the strands of hair that came to her face. "Wahhh? You mean the newest bride in the Walters? Oh my goodness it's an honor to have you here ma'am. I apologize for not recognizing you. I suffer from terminal prosopagnosia which acted up just now. I'm sorry." The Check-in attendant apologized and gave out a nervous smile. "Piss off." Hazel rolled her eyes and dragged Clarissa playfully as they went towards the elevator which took them to the executive floor. The executive floor was scanty with few people. Well, the poor can't afford real gold unless they're ready to go bankrupt. "No. Don't touch that." "Not

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