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The Bad Boy's Favorite Girl

Chapter 9 9

Word Count: 1163    |    Released on: 08/11/2023



se I had just spent the previous day at Mac's house and as much as

to my locker, students bumped into me like they didn'

school. That was why I

ities, and move away from this town. I sighed as I got to my locke

easant voice said and I turn

we've been good friends since then. Her black hair had been

umbled before taking my hist

ve her a

k Elena," Vee said as s

has occurred during these seven


mer camp couldn't keep them apart? Benedicta got a new boyfriend and

hese pieces of information even without b

school chat you'll

ternet to waste on goss

me guess you don't know Tisha

artying for me. I have

orry you're still Mr John's best

nk Tisha likes me very much." I said. Tisha believed that

," Vee said as I laughed, taking my ma

o speak before so

recognized it immediately, I closed my eyes

the cocky attitude was a plus. His back hair was styled perfectly an

s I tried to move past him but

at him. He seemed unfazed by my reaction and I heard Da

Tisha's party tonight?"

have a class now." I g

to her, she widened her eyes

ang yet?" Mac said, loo

, I like being ea

t would be fun," Mac said

you dumb to un

ed to her but she ignored me facin

I gasped as I tried to speak when she grabbed

ead at her but Mac smirked before leanin

d stood at his voice and shivers ran down my spine. He smirked at me b

those bright blue eyes that stared at me so intentl

g height that towered over me, then

n front of my face and I shook in fright, bli

ing down the hallway to my class

nd a few students turned in our direction,


never talks to peop

cheerleaders. Not us, not me, not you. But he just invited you to Tisha's party. Do y

self, he's the Alpha male of East High and I don't want to be one of the girls he checks

ause everyone is trying to be friends. After all, this i

and playboy, friends? Biggest sarcasm of

pared you a second glance before, and has always been bullying you." Ve

ot paired in Agr

eems like not every news can be found on the school chat." She laughed as I dragged her i

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