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The Hilltop Boys on Lost Island


Word Count: 2726    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

d, and Dick had been the first to notice that the boat was not

ted away," said Jack. "The wa

llows who tumbled the rocks into the hole took away the boat. I have an idea who they were. I spo

bag with you?" for the first time noticing that Percival ha

t. "Well have to hail the yacht, old chap. We can make our way in that direction along the top of the bank. I

e vessel, now and then having to cut their way on account of the

me time," muttered Percival as they went on. "Both of these things were done by some on

y any one should have done it, perhaps

, have had a hand in it. They don't like you, and do everything to hurt you, and they don't care any more for me than they do for you. Bother this tangle! It keeps you busy every m

to leave it on account of the thickness of the jungle,

fall, they hailed the vessel, and presently s

e in the boat, the old sailor hail

'd fallen in, and been gobbled up by sharks. Some of the boys found the boat adrift, and brought

, and perhaps a good many more," grunted Pe

n' to say, sah?"

said Percival. "Who

Ah could identify de pussons. Have yo' any

oad that Jack Sheldon and I do not know how to tie up a boat or tie any ordinar

said the negro with a broad grin. "Ah reckon, too, dat de story was a fabrication puah an' sim

e and Jack got into the boat, and Bucephalus an

if you care to hear it," said old Ben as he bent leisurely u

p Jack. "Never mind whether we believe

ed Bucephalus. "Folks lak to listen to dem an' dey don' call it lyin', whereas an' on de oder

y and Ben wants to spin his yarn, so you might as well

present attitude, and taking an easy stroke with hi

never had it put in the log 'cause the old man wasn't along an' nothin' went int

the whale!" roared

nin' out one o' the boats to have ready when we went ashore, which we judged would be in a

where I was I had no idee, no more'n nothin', 'cause I couldn't see a thing and there was such a noise all around that I couldn't hear a

thout knowin' where I was goin' and not carin' much nuther, bein' wet to

in', till finally I seen a shore at some distance off an' took

nd stopped rainin', which was a comfort. I pulled on till it was too dark to see anythin', and then I come

I was all right, an' so I slep' on without feelin' a bit alarmed, knowin' that

tree and to find the boat hangin' to the topmost limb. Ye see, the rainwater had run off an' left the ground bare

nd fairly shook himself, saying a

re, Ben, but the rain was snow and the twig was a church stee

!" grunted Ben, pulling heartily on

er his berth and locked it, saying nothing at that time to any one, but reso

possession, and to have the letters translated so as to learn definitely all about the wrecked

said about their having to hail the yacht, but as the others began to arrive, some time later

d out from behind a funnel, which had hidden him so that

surprise, and Perc

en anything happens to me or Jack and espe

ng to say, being evidently much astonished at seeing him on the ya

ck, not having time to prepare for a meetin

afloat and brought it back?" Jack said c

growled Herring, turning redder than ev

ack carelessly, and then going

Merritt are

it. They never know anything about things that happe

satisfied that they we

re is no need of accusing them. The next

o see what we were doing, saw the rope and knew

rope, but they don't think of

and that's how y

nd told about the wrecked schooner, as she probably was, and of

m, and showed the letters found on the f

ut in among the islands of the Caribbean to get away, and was wrecked here. There is quite a lot of money in this bag, about a tho

l. "He discovered the wreck and it should

d if I have any of it you should have

he law of treasure trove. It isn't likely that the Mexican rebels or

e hold might be flooded before we go there again. It is

a strong room, and maybe the skipper had it built that way a purpose. You don't know what sort of crew you may

reepy being in there, and knowing that the water was jus

fishes swimming around them under water. I'd like to go to the place

you, sir, and if you want a sha

s to you and your friend and the

they must have th

not with us when we went into the cabin, and I certainly d

ack replied with a laugh. "How are

urs, just the same. I'd like to get the rest

ll be al

ight away, and we may as well do something. I can't get any answer to my wireless me

to get New Yor

those fellows or whether they think it is only a joke or what. I've tried American and Internati

interested on account of his boy. Try a plain commerci

ou have been sending out distress signals, and the wireless p

e meantime I'd like to visit this wreck. I never was in a ship


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