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The Eyes of the World

Chapter 8 The Portrait That Was Not A Portrait

Word Count: 2640    |    Released on: 11/11/2017

the personification of the age.From that evening when the young man told his friend the story of his

fall upon him.But that day, when Mrs. Taine came for the last sitting, the novelist--engaged in interesting talk with the artist--forgot."You are caught," cried the painter, gleefully, as the big automobile stopped at the gate."I'll be damned if I am," retorted the novelist, with no profane intent but with meaning quite literal; and, seizing a book, he bolted through the kitchen--nearly upsetting the startled Yee Kee."What's matte'," inquired the Chinaman, putting his head in at the living-room door; his almond eyes as wide as they could go, with an expression of celestial consternation that convulsed the artist. Catching sight of the automobile, his oriental features wrinkled into a yellow grin of understanding; "Oh! see um come! Ha! I know. He all time go, she come. He say no like lagtime gal. Dog Cza', him all time gone, too; him no like lagtime--all same Miste' Laglange. Ha! I go, too," and he, in turn, vanished."You are early, to-day," said Aaron King, as he escorted Mrs. Taine to the studio.Just inside the door, she turned impulsively to face him--standing close, her beautifully groomed and voluptuous body instinct with the lure of her sex, her too perfect features slightly flushed, and her eyes submissively downcast. "And have you forgotten that this is the last time I can come?" she asked in a low tone."Surely not"--he returned calmly--"you are coming to-morrow, with the others, aren't you?" Her husband with James Rutlidge and Louise Taine were invited for the next day, to view the portrait."Oh, but that will be so different!" She loosed the wrap she wore, and threw it aside with an indescribable familiar gesture. "You don't realize what these hours have meant to me--how could you? You do not live in my world. Your world is--is so different You do not know--you do not know." With a sudden burst of passion, she added, "The world that I live in is hell; and this--this--oh, it has been heavenly!"Her words, her voice, the poise of her figure, the gesture with outstretched arms--it was all so nearly an invitation, so nearly a surrender of herself to him, that the man started forward impulsively. For the moment he forgot his work--he forgot everything--he was conscious only of the woman who stood before him. But even as the light of triumph blazed up in the woman's eyes, the man halted,--drew back; and his face was turned from her as he listened to the sweetly appealing message of the gentle spirit that made itself felt in the music of that hidden violin. It was as though, in truth, the mountains, themselves,--from their calm heights so remote from the little world wherein men live their baser tragedies,--watched over him. "Don't you think we had better proceed with our work?" he said calmly.The light in the woman's eyes changed to anger which she turned away to hide. Without replying, she went to her place and assumed the pose; and, as she had watched him day after day when his eyes were upon the canvas, she watched him now. Since that first day, when she had questioned him about the unseen musician, they had not mentioned the subject, although--as was inevitable under the circumstances--their intimacy had grown. But not once had he turned from his work in that listening attitude, or looked from the window as though half-expecting some one, without her noting it. And, always, her eyes had flashed with resentment, which she had promptly concealed when the painter, again turning to his easel, had looked from his canvas to her face.Scarcely was the artist well started in his work, that afternoon, when the music ceased. Presently, Mrs. Taine broke her watchful silence, with the quite casual remark; "Your musical neighbor is still unknown to you, I suppose?""Yes,"--he answered smiling, as though more to himself than at her,--"we have never tried to make her acquaintance."The woman caught him up quickly; "To make _her_ acquaintance? Why do you say, '_her_,' if you do not know who it is?"The artist was confused. "Did I say, _her_?" he questioned, his face flushed with embarrassment. "It was a slip of the tongue. Neither Conrad Lagrange nor I know anything about our neighbor."She laughed ironically. "And you _could_ know so easily.""I suppose so; but we have never cared to. We prefer to accept the music as it comes to us--impersonally--for what it is--not for whoever makes it." He spoke coldly, as though the subject was distasteful to him, under the circumstances of the moment.But the woman persisted. "Well, _I_ know who it is. Shall I tell you?""No. I do not care to know. I am not interested in the musician.""Oh, but you might be, you know," she retorted."Please take the pose," returned Aaron King professionally. Mrs. Taine, wisely, for the time, dropped the subject; contenting herself with a meaning laugh.The artist silently gave all his attention to the nearly finished portrait. He was not painting, now, with full brush and swift sure str

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1 Preface2 Chapter 1 His Inheritance3 Chapter 2 The Woman With The Disfigured Face4 Chapter 3 The Famous Conrad Lagrange5 Chapter 4 At The House On Fairlands Heights6 Chapter 5 The Mystery Of The Rose Garden7 Chapter 6 An Unknown Friend8 Chapter 7 Mrs. Taine In Quaker Gray9 Chapter 8 The Portrait That Was Not A Portrait10 Chapter 9 Conrad Lagrange's Adventure11 Chapter 10 A Cry In The Night12 Chapter 11 Go Look In Your Mirror, You Fool13 Chapter 12 First Fruits Of His Shame14 Chapter 13 Myra Willard's Challenge15 Chapter 14 In The Mountains16 Chapter 15 The Forest Ranger's Story17 Chapter 16 When The Canyon Gates Are Shut18 Chapter 17 Confessions In The Spring Glade19 Chapter 18 Sibyl Andres And The Butterflies20 Chapter 19 The Three Gifts And Their Meanings21 Chapter 20 Myra's Prayer And The Ranger's Warning22 Chapter 21 The Last Climb23 Chapter 22 Shadows Of Coming Events24 Chapter 23 Outside The Canyon Gates Again25 Chapter 24 James Rutlidge Makes A Mistake26 Chapter 25 On The Pipe-Line Trail27 Chapter 26 I Want You Just As You Are28 Chapter 27 The Answer29 Chapter 28 You're Ruined, My Boy30 Chapter 29 The Hand Writing On The Wall31 Chapter 30 In The Same Hour32 Chapter 31 As The World Sees33 Chapter 32 The Mysterious Disappearance34 Chapter 33 Beginning The Search35 Chapter 34 The Tracks On Granite Peak36 Chapter 35 A Hard Way37 Chapter 36 What Should He Do38 Chapter 37 The Man Was Insane39 Chapter 38 An Inevitable Conflict40 Chapter 39 The Better Way41 Chapter 40 Facing The Truth42 Chapter 41 Marks Of The Beast43 Chapter 42 Aaron King's Success