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'Seducing The Billionaire

Chapter 3 3

Word Count: 2288    |    Released on: 02/11/2023


peia F

happen on my second day, who would have thou

Chester asked me as we were together to

oing to get, "hahaha don't mind me

ant to have lunch wi


floor where my office is, "Evan, thi

you," he sai

y desk just as the door to Boss's office opened, "have you eat

," I smiled, "but it's not lunch yet, but

eyebrow raised, he didn't

the sales department.

mosquitoes I haven't told you I was currently living in a squatt

s what is written in my information, I was a simple gir

two of us its my treat," he sa

eated, it looks like he needs a bles

did to you," said Sir Evan while shaking his head, I don't know the re

dge a book by it's cover," Sir

me for lunch, I said goodbye to Sir Evan, I w

to Elizabeth's question, "doesn't she look like

ghed at wh

s's Fiancee, he said e

er Sir Taker," Mikaela gossiped, "because their relationship is complicated. let's just say that it was an arranged marriage between thei

someone that I loved than getting married by someone you didn't even kno

ster teased her, "as long as you're just imagining things,

x, 2021 is now the trend to find someone new," my friends started teasing and we were just laug

amantha do you h

living. I'm more okay with being single because I

will meet someone who you will love very much but at the same time he wil

ome a fortune-tel

se that doesn't come true but most of what I predicted

ing, you never know what might happen to you


espective buildings, I still can't

d, I'm still thinking if I

time when someone spoke behind me, his mouth was

most lost my spirit because of

ning because Sir suddenly started shaking, and in fact it was better for him

in Tagalog, it suits your voice

cted," I didn't notice that

le, sir," I changed my mind because right now I fee

ly," I just ahh out of nowhere, that's a

lso knows how to socialize with oth

round him, this time I lost my

greeted us when we sat down at his t

er again until I stoppe

rget let me re

ne ringing, I didn't even hesitate to look at who was calling

night at 7:00

I answered the call. He didn't even

mmediately finished my work until i

e you going?" Si

ortant appointment so I'll go

a dinner tonight with our boss?" Yes, I f

id,"so I need to leave, maybe my cadet is

on, so i decided to go in a bakery and buy a strawberry sho

ng place, as soon as I entered the restaurant my eyes immediately foun

gonna meet today, blind date was our code w


f you come earlier than me," he looked a

of us stared at each other as if we were chal

my forehead furrowed as my f

n there, are you totally lost your mind Val?" I

ers of the 7 rulers outside that's why I need to enter their territory," he held my hand."an

werful person outside and inside of the underground world aside from Seven Rulers

e his father and choose his own career ri

nts to enter the underground world to se

to do," he smiled but I kept his face and eyes worried about him, "but plea

anks I can handle

in case he changed his mind, he just laughed

."I was silent when he said, "but don't worry I'll try to survive, and I

y, "you know that I hate losing importa

aughed that's why I glared at him

y boss trusts me or not, he's too elusive especially that he doesn't accompany me

e said with a smile to me an

at work?

ince it has been tested so I k

ally had

it doesn't really wor

ve and they will give, just trust in y

spirit when you get in there," Va

g as I'm breathing. I'll be fine, I will find him no matter wh

w Val was the strongest

you told dad about what you'

o anything anymore because he said that we are both stubborn if family is involved in the mission, even that he doesn't want to do

d something like that, but I'm sure he can't

ntinue to eat until

moon was bright and th

e around, i started

opped when I saw a famili

looking at his watch, that's why I hur

here?" he wasn't surprise

are you doing here where is your da

d him I want to be alone first," I lie

led one of my arms, "I'll take you home. It'

, sir, w

low and modest voice from a woman with a fa

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