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Author: Ley.l

Chapter 1Ā ONE

Word Count: 2042 Ā Ā Ā |Ā Ā Ā  Released on: 02/11/2023




s caged within him. Powerful, strong. The ability to run, to hunt, to scent the enemy on the

lk the land, and yet the beast was forced to hide. It stared out of the man's eye

off; the years of freedom that the man had known, the false sense of secu

as certain of his control. Certain that the drugs the scientists had given him in those l

t. A forced sleep. A sleep that built the anger growing inside

s part of the man, part of who he was, what he was. The man would release the animal soon. As s

l unconsciousness that even the most vital part

unbreakable fortress of bars around it. They pr

kened it. Weakened it as surely as a

, or to open his soul. For the man believed his soul lost. Only the animal k


. Callan had given the order that with Jonas's own force of men now protecting Vanderale's glorified clerk, Jonas had to

to rub the back of her neck. The muscles stiffened beneath her whit

the time, he would remind her who was the boss here.

unter beside him before slapping it down and returning to whatever she was

vious ill temper. Breed females didn't have PMS, so he couldn't explain her moo

ths ago that Ely w

tood it and could deal with it. But she was being un

ain the tests you ran?"

in the

ish." He allowed a primal growl to vibrate i

lowly, and he saw the an

pulations and conniving machinations are going to get someone killed. And this conversation i

al. He rubbed at his chin thoughtfully as he tried to figure out

body leveled off when the mating hormone in Seth's system had begun disappearing. Dawn was losing her mate, and Jonas hadn't been willing to allow that to

ugh. He had succeeded in ensuring Dawn and Seth stayed togeth

sed together in

esignation, picked up t

ows lifted and his ga

scientists gave him in

nd that isn't his actual state at the moment. That's what hap

bbed his jaw as he continued to re

e complicated. A mix of saliva, blood and semen samples from the

en he rampaged in the labs,

at that. "He had lo

ed. "The mating hormo

woman is not his mate and the feral adrenaline is there in his blood. He's going into feral displacemen

again as he continued

e learned that lioness had died. He killed a doctor, a trainer and two of the Coyotes th

omeone he cared for," he snapped back at her. "This is not proof that he's returning t

alm head where the Br

reasons tests came out as they did. She wasn't the on

er teeth grinding. "I know you. You'll play g

napped back as his own

don't give a fuck about my men or the people I'm

gainst the Supremacists and Br

f Jackal's anger didn't burn down beh

at the sign that his t

eleasing it had never gained him a da

nd I don't care," she whispere

file and snapped it

answered your own question, Jonas. Y

ll you. What you will do, my fine little doctor, is keep a very careful eye on him while she's here. I want blood, saliva and semen tested week

ill keep your pre

good enough. I ca

esn't regret what he thinks he lost. As far as we know, Breeds mate only once. Mercury is convinced that lioness was his mate. Until we see

"That lioness was his mate. The

s voice, determination threading thro

ed, and she nodded shortly. The small sign of

nitely going to rein in h

confrontational for the jo

ere could be a problem with the ones Vanderale's provided, and run this again. I want to know what it sho

eleases during a moment of stress." Her voice was strained

king Breed

rather than choice. It grated

er," he retorted sarcastically. "Until we know

recessed the feral genetics may not

tration. "You don't know Merc very well, Ely. I do. Keep your mout

le's little paper pusher out of trouble, not to mate her or go insa

espite his need to slam it off the fucking hinges. At times like th

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