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Silent Emotions

Chapter 3 The gift of Education

Word Count: 601    |    Released on: 29/10/2023

nurturing. He scoured the city of Lusaka for a special school, one that could cater to Caleb's unique

was welcomed with open arms, and his thirst for knowledge was met with a curriculum designed to challenge and inspire. As it

ease, often leaving his teachers astounded by his profound understanding. Mysteries that had puzzled even the most season

ay that made them accessible to his classmates. His friends marveled at how he could turn the most challenging subjects into engaging lessons

s always the first to complete assignments, and his dedication to learning was unmatched. He was driven

education more seriously. He helped them with their studies, turning the farm into a place of learning and growth. Slowl

fferently. Caleb's kindness and willingness to help her fix broken things around the house touched her heart. She witnessed how

wrong she had been in her initial judgment of him. Caleb had not brought bad luck to their family; he had br

for the children on the farm but for everyone who crossed his path. He showed them that no obstacle was

nued to thrive. His story was a testament to the power of determination, education, and the transformational impact of a young boy who refus

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