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River Of Anew: Farming In Another World

Chapter 3 The Seeds

Word Count: 1027    |    Released on: 28/10/2023

e pile of grass; however, there was one thing which stunned h

, the system has

then he touched the floating panel. It was quite soft and rubbery, but once he tou

1 Experience Po

e hell i

of him, and, with shaking hands, touched his hea

t only happened in fiction. Also, in those cases, the lucky ones didn't sustain the

king a few long breaths, Foin finally calmed down, though he still didn't understand the situation, especially wh

t th

flower seeds he had planted had already grown, and its flowers started blooming. Although he believed he was not specialised in flower

e not yet mature. The potato only had a tiny foliage which was visible above the ground.

d eating. Seeing how fast the plants had grown, he was somewhat relieved that he would not need

day or two, Foin didn't hesitate eating till he was filled. Of course, paper and plain bread were not very appetising, but he had to make do with that. When h

ut I do not want to eat them raw... Also, the new bunch is

ly fine, he would need to climb up to reach even the lowest branches, so his onl

ass as he was travelling and realised that he could use it later. He could

it larger and larger. After hours of work, he took a longer break. In that time, he drank from the river and even washed his head. It was gett

oon when he finally reached the first tree. Back over his original place, the

ld find a few smaller sticks, which he instantly brought back

a large number of them, but most of them were quite small. In the meantime, he also found some pieces of ston

. Who knew that living in such peacefulness would be so great... In this world,

ns of sticks he had collected. After moving around the whole day using only hi

ss onto him and then closed his eyes. He was happy with what he had achie

d plant more just to make sure that he had everything in abundanc

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