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The Goose Girl


Word Count: 3496    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

the day as it comes over the mountains, and silence breaks here and there, in the houses and streets, in the fields and the vineyards? Let old age, which has played its pa

h reminded them of the regularity of a good clock; whe

two goats came pattering in to be relieved of their creamy burden. Gretchen was fond of them; they

went into the cluttered courtyard and broke into pieces one of the limbs she had carried up from the valley earlier i

agle she had a cup when her work was done, but to Gretchen the aroma excelled the taste. Her grandmother's breakfast and her own out of the way, she carried the coffee

e visible under the drum-like skin; her hands were merely claws. But she would have no doctor; she would have no care save that which Gretchen gave her. Sometimes she remained in bed all the day. Sh

g, Fr?u," sa

rning, L

this morning, for it will be

nk y

the side of the cot, poured out

t is the only thing that warms me.

ad to he

tions to give you this morning. Presently I shall be

hinking of

ck. Under my pillow there is an env

y undercurrent. She accepted the words at their surface

promise to

, Fr

an errand for you this morning.

ace?" echoe

that frig

ly surprises me.

r highness and gi

sadly viewed her wooden s

feet; your face will open

he palace. Will they no

excellency, Count von Herbeck, and sa

f apprehension and delight. To meet

I can no

one but her highness. There will be no answer. All I ask is that wh

ything unusual in the incident. It was only when she came out into the K?nig Strasse that the puzzle of it came to her forcibly. Who was this old woman who thought nothing of writing a letter to her serene highness? And who were her

least she would wear no humble, servile air. For Gretchen was a bit of a socialist. Did not Herr Goldberg, whom the police detested, did he not say that all men were equal? And surely this sweeping statement included women! She attended secret meetings in the damp cellar of the Black Eagle, an

ce, she proceeded toward the east or side g

for her serene hi


to give it to her

soldier. "You can not enter

to his excellency the chancellor and tell h

t to close any gate. But, girl

he note. He scratche

'll say that I didn't see you

rass-like carpet, and giant ferns, unlike anything she had plucked in the valleys and the mountains. It was all a fairy-land. There were marble urns with hanging vines, and marble statue

ed her rudel

gardener. "Be off with you! Don't you know tha

ed free her arm

ou touch me

was singularly arrogant, cooled

n Dreiberg and

me without bruising

which sentry did you pass?" for there was that about her beauty wh


formal gardens from the tennis and archery grounds came a young woman in r

ann?" she inquired. "Your

e impudence to walk into the gardens and str

y flowers or trod

your Highn

the har

f we permitted this on the part of the peo

t won Gretchen on the spot, "we will overlook this first offe

," replied Gre

may go,

hness alo

indly, but with

e was a princess in all things save her lack of coldness toward the people. It was wrong to meet them in this way, it was not in order. H

nd a bed of palms, her highness laughed brightly, and Gretchen, to her

ess asked, rather startled by the

ive at number forty the Krumerweg, and t

s gathered in her eyes. "Follow me," she said. She led Gretchen to a marble benc

to a marble ben

en, Hig

etchen, s

sence, Highn

presence on a morning

he shape of their faces. They were similarly molded, too; only, one was slender and graceful, after the manner of fashion, while the other was slender and graceful directly from the hands of nature. The health of outdoors was visible in their fine skins and c

e?" her hig

e same, H

red why she sho

l that I should," was Gr

impulsively, "had I my way she would be housed in the palace, not in the lonely Krumerweg. But my father does not know that she is in Dreiberg; and we dare not te

that coul

eveled her gaze at the flowers, but her eyes saw only the gar

that her highness was dreamin

u like

I am alwa

ng the princes

was not purer or sweeter; it was merely str

book and whip and folding the note ins

y, hig

do y

fall and winter I work at o

k Eagle?


all about

r Gretchen; ther

s are something alike. A handsome gi

ied soon. He is a vintner. I would not trade him

vintner and married him, with none to say her nay. Now she was only a pretty bird in a gilded cage. She could fly, but whenever she did so she blundered painfully against the bright wires. If there

hink I shall marry th

ride. Her highness was t

?" How should a goose-girl know t

eart-shaped locket which she invariably wore round her throat. That this peasa

k questions like

did not think." Gre

know it. There are some questions whic

eased her eye. Her highness, observing her interest, slipp

ther, whom I do not recollect having ever seen

en it for

not given much to conjuring, she had rarely bothered her head about it. Still, as she gazed at this portrait, the sense of her isolation and

ic?" picking up

es, Hi

er go to t

can afford. I

can I reward you for bringing this message?

me an order on the grand duk

ho is to becom


ing to take you to Herr Ernst. He is the director of the

reat rugs so soft that her step faltered? Her wooden shoes made a clatter whenever they left the rugs, but she stepped as lightly as she could. She heard music and voices presently, and the former she recognized. As her highness ent

ing, Herr

ing, your

prima donna," touching

is teeth; her highness was

your Highness? We are reh

rs on the little sta

rst violin," sa


up in the or

ness?" said the

her v

as not smiling. He bade the violinis

s; "and don't be afraid of the Herr Direktor

ce. It was sweeter and

Direktor cried,

but she carried the melody without mishap. And then, I Dreamt I Dwelt in Marble Halls. This song she knew word for word, and ah, she sang it with strange and haunting tenderness! One by one the musicians dropped their in

est this day. Where does madame yo

ed with Gretchen's success. "She lives in Dreiberg, a

en, and back to her highness again. Then he grasped it. Here

ead music?

r," said

ulein. Well, I shall teach you. I shall m

lways wor

him. "It is a good name. Come to me Monday at the opera and I shall put you into go

presence of exalted blood, he turned his back upon th

two came out again into the garden, "you a

to come when I may be of service to you!" G

ardens," added the princess, "t

e saw the opera ablaze with lights, she heard the roll of applause. She saw the horn of plenty pouring its largess from the

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