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Hot Fantasies In Bed

Chapter 10 C10

Word Count: 2391    |    Released on: 26/10/2023

her even more determined and anxious to explore her most secret desires. He br

here was nothing secret about it. And he'd have to be awfully thick not

s, Gray was that man. He talked the talk, but then she'd had a

want. She sensed this was the first big step, and once she embraced this

her desk. Then she logged onto the internet and opened an e-mai

se with his friendly, open attitude. He'd encouraged her to ask questions and in return had given her

ngon look-alikes, she'd e-mailed Damon to ask what she should wear. Because if she was expected to don a black

e environment she was entering tonight would be raw and expl

net, researched all the links that Damon had sent her, and she'd even worked up the nerve to sneak into Micah's apartm

she wanted to try. All she needed now was a willing partner, and maybe a better understan

and more than a little ridiculous. She slapped her hand

ached for the phone. "Mal

tched over Faith's ear like a tree branch on a tin roof. "

ajoling she was so used to h

ection, Faith gripped the phone tighte

n a distant sound raised her hackles. She pressed t

o get the money, or

s that?" Fai

ering voice. "It's nothing you

me of regrets. Celia would never change. Faith had to accept that. S

er voice got stronger and steadier as she allowed the force of her anger to spill out. "I have

eyes with the back of her hand. "But I hate what you've become-what you've always been. I don't want any part of my old life bac

was her or her mother. She hung up the phone with sh

nked the cord from the wall and flung it across the room. She lowered her head again and wept. Noisy, raw so

o her mother? Why did she give Celia

ed her shoulder,

urgent entreaty cut through

emotional outburst. What if Pop or Connor had been the one to walk in? She'd

or him not to see her tears. Her chair moved slightly, and she gla

her chin and tugged, forcin

ay?" he ask

mouth, and she clamped her lips shu

the back of his knuckles over her cheek then tucked h

"Really. I feel like such an idiot

u're not the type to overreact.

he was insulting his intell

ng I want to discuss. Can you understand that?" She

for a long mome

of her eye. Their gazes met and

" he whispered, his v

" she mur


e y

hovering precariously close to hers. Her sudden intake o

nst her. Their tongues met and tangled. She gasped for ai

He pulled outward then sucked it farther into his mouth. His tongue licked

ment was the man in front of her. His touch, his kiss, his very es

ched toward his neck until one hand cupped the nape of his neck, pulling him cl

a sound of sweet agony. The tension between them that had, over the last f

nted to feel his bare flesh. Impatiently, she yanked until it came free from his j

er hands worked higher, gliding over the mus

over her cheeks. There was strength in his touch. A

assionate kiss but instead remained still. His body tensed u

she wh

ween them, souring the moment. His hands fell away from her, and he pushed

e rubbed up and down in agitation. "God, Fait

nted it to happen. You wanted it to happen.

turned to look at her. His eyes blazed with a multitude of emotions. Desire still flamed brightly, so she

ake of his head. "I took advantage of you in a we

ve been working up to this point for the last several days. You know it, and I know it. It was as inevitable

ll, Faith, I want you so bad, I ache. But it sho

of her office, leaving her to ponde

ord, and she heaved a sigh. Pushing herself upward, she went over to retrieve the cord she'd yanked in

l socket then glanced uneasily back at the phone, hoping to hell it didn't

lly get the message and stop trying to contact Faith? She doubted it, but then she'd never

nally crawling out of your shell and embracing

he was content with. She was finally spreading her wings and stepping out of the shadows of her past. Finall

was out there, just out of reach, but close. Maybe she'd

she squared her shoulders and made a silent vow to hersel

. Ten o'clock on a Friday night. Everyone likely had plans that didn't i

und back, because if he was seen, he didn't want to appear as though he had anything to h

ing. He disabled the security system before he took a step forward, and then, no

ation until he was damn sure no one was around, and he wouldn't risk discovery. He walk

outine phone calls before he finally came to the one he wanted. As Faith's mother's voice a

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1 Chapter 1 C12 Chapter 2 C23 Chapter 3 C34 Chapter 4 C45 Chapter 5 C56 Chapter 6 C67 Chapter 7 C78 Chapter 8 C89 Chapter 9 C910 Chapter 10 C1011 Chapter 11 C1112 Chapter 12 C1213 Chapter 13 C1314 Chapter 14 C1415 Chapter 15 C1516 Chapter 16 C1617 Chapter 17 C1718 Chapter 18 C1819 Chapter 19 C1920 Chapter 20 C2021 Chapter 21 C2122 Chapter 22 C2223 Chapter 23 C2324 Chapter 24 C2425 Chapter 25 C2526 Chapter 26 C2627 Chapter 27 C2728 Chapter 28 C2829 Chapter 29 C2930 Chapter 30 C3031 Chapter 31 C3132 Chapter 32 C3233 Chapter 33 C3334 Chapter 34 C3435 Chapter 35 C3536 Chapter 36 C3637 Chapter 37 C3738 Chapter 38 C3839 Chapter 39 C3940 Chapter 40 C4041 Chapter 41 C4142 Chapter 42 C4243 Chapter 43 C4344 Chapter 44 C4445 Chapter 45 C4546 Chapter 46 C4647 Chapter 47 C4748 Chapter 48 C4849 Chapter 49 C4950 Chapter 50 C5051 Chapter 51 C5152 Chapter 52 C52 53 Chapter 53 C5354 Chapter 54 C5455 Chapter 55 C5556 Chapter 56 C5657 Chapter 57 C5758 Chapter 58 C5859 Chapter 59 C5960 Chapter 60 C6061 Chapter 61 C6162 Chapter 62 C6263 Chapter 63 C6364 Chapter 64 C6465 Chapter 65 C6566 Chapter 66 C6667 Chapter 67 C6768 Chapter 68 C6869 Chapter 69 C6970 Chapter 70 C7071 Chapter 71 C7172 Chapter 72 C7273 Chapter 73 C7374 Chapter 74 C7475 Chapter 75 C7576 Chapter 76 C7677 Chapter 77 C7778 Chapter 78 C7879 Chapter 79 C7980 Chapter 80 C8081 Chapter 81 C8182 Chapter 82 C8283 Chapter 83 C8384 Chapter 84 C8485 Chapter 85 C8586 Chapter 86 C8687 Chapter 87 C8788 Chapter 88 C8889 Chapter 89 C8990 Chapter 90 C9091 Chapter 91 C9192 Chapter 92 C9293 Chapter 93 C9394 Chapter 94 C9495 Chapter 95 C9596 Chapter 96 C9697 Chapter 97 C9798 Chapter 98 C9899 Chapter 99 C99100 Chapter 100 C100