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My Mysterious Seductive

My Mysterious Seductive


Chapter 1 1

Word Count: 1159    |    Released on: 20/10/2023

lence lingered as two young adult wom

hold as Fiona Trilby told her granddaught

else was not as how they were aboveground. She talked about actual events from The Town, a place where living meant livin

life forgotten. Their minds flew from their grandparents' living room and into the vast estates and cobbled stre

Town-or the quite magical thought of

f the people in their grandm

, friendship and conspiracies. They hated the e

quite aware that her granddaughters would want for more by the end, b



l, he only knew what his teachers taught him-what his parents provided him. But the limitations and

ories were not merely products of dreamers

learned of the world above until the secrets themselves beca

he fou

ter term is... un

ve an


mma felt the ground above

not alone in the bedchamber that ought to only be occupied by her. And seconds later after she realized she was in fact i

a Grace Everard was not used to sharing her bed with anyo

her cat, Mrs. Brigid Beagle, would come by to spend a month with her before disappearing yet again to another mi

rently, the

naked in bed with the last man she ever im

bling down on her. That, she could have handled quite well if things did not turn out the way they did. The feeling of being buried alive followed just mom

to an end followed suit as another of he

e stakes with naught but the bedcovers wrapped around her and Samu

her brothers did not murder Samuel after they dragged the poor man from her bedchamber to the east

t desire to beat the hell out of Samuel Theobald still simmered within her brothers'

a. And it was their eldest brother, Benedict, who gav

nesses who also happened to be condemned of witchcraft. One married a bastard, another coveted another's fiancée while another was now married to a woman of color who had spent most

s not merely because Samuel was Ralph's friend that enraged them, but also the fact that he was a trusted en

to be forced to marry him. She admired that man and the cause he fought for as one of the Town Herald's most in

spared of the dramas

ifficult decision she never thou

ween her and Samuel Theobald. Almost entirely

uel that night, Emma was yet to find out, but she kn

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