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Chapter 2 2

Word Count: 2228    |    Released on: 17/10/2023

and ruin it for her.A life she tried so hard to forget.A life she left behind.She wonder who the person is she had many rich clients w

t her,pregnant with a big fat check and all alone.Never again will

he wanted to know was if you're still wo

id her voice on edge,she won

g."Nat said."You're r

w life and I don't want a d

few clients who keeps on asking about you.Will you ever consider coming back."Natalie doesn

ded up there.Please don't tell anyone anything about me.I'm no lon

ho had no idea how to perform or entice a man."Natalie had been her tutor when she'd first arrived at the club,she's the one who taught her everything she knows now.Even how t

she's just had a long hot bath and wants nothing more than her bed.She hopes it wasn't N

hi-..."She froze as her voice trail off when she saw who it was.Her whole body went numb with shock,all the air left her lungs.It

xy voice had tormented her,the image of his gorgeous sculpted face wouldn't leave her thought

y dressed in his Italian suit,white shirt, leather shoes and gold Rolex that probably cost thousand of dollars.His jet black h

made her beg for more.She roughly shoved the images aside.The ultimate playboy,his att

er the door handle forcing her to take a step back.He came inside without an invitation,his dominance was ov

lt for herself.He cannot know about the triplets at any cost.With his p

coldly.How dare he come here after what h

club she could afford it.If there's one thing she did good.It was save,with her two jobs she and the twins are living comf

lthough she has a clue what he might wan

cross his lips."Right dow

So please if you don't mind I have things I need to attend t

er body,heat scorched her skin,tiny tingles of awareness ru

that fire inside her yet at the same time there's an innocence about her she never had.If he

."He said unfazed about the fact t

."Yet again those dark eyes took her in sh

usy."Avery was aghast at his words and

."I'm afraid you've come to the wrong place.If you need entertainment Vegas has alo

beating frantically with each step he took closer to her.She met his gaze head

ngers grab a lock of her wet hair,then he did something that nearly m

very's skin is on fire,her body quivering and he wasn't even touching her. "The things I wanna do to

hat."Her voice a

my."He said ignoring h

She denied

ery instantly took a step back away from him."I need a mis

"I'm gonna pretend I didn't hear that and ask you to get the hell out of m

iver."You didn't give me that impression when we first met.Neither did you refuse the check I gave yo

r so passionately and loved every inch of her so tenderly,but she'll be damned if she allows this man to get under her skin."Get out!"She yelled angrily."Get the hell out.And don't ever come here again."Avery l

into her home and treating her as if she's nothing.Offering to buy her for a few weeks.How dare he!sh

ether tonight."He heard his s

f.Where's the twins,I'd like to see them before I go."Three days has

Friday night had surprise him the way she had acted,behaved and spoke that isn't the temptress,seductress whom he had met and bed two years ago.S

and see them,I have a call to make I

's become worse.His libido is a monster,just thinking about her makes him grow

ze in shock when he realized who it was.It couldn't be.She herself looked shocked to see him when she turned,for several minutes the

now how he knows would be useless she gets the feeling he knows alot.Catalina followed behind him,a warm smil

's the twins's uncle.She must've hear

osa to her uncle."This is my older brother Alex.Alex meet Avery she's

."She shook the hand he held out to her,a shock wave pulsed throu

She can't be here a second longer not when this man i

ng a party Margaret will help in serving the guests.I know

hat gaze running over her body like he's ca

a black blouse,flat pumps on her feet with her hair made up in a high ponytail.No make up is on her fa

he was undressing her with his dark gaze and although she should loathe him she can

ar and scanned through the pictures of the triplets on her cell.

out my proposal."Avery didn't even bother t

"She told him."If

ings we did together.The taste of your skin,your whimpers,gasps the way you trembled with excitement."She remembers e

ay from him."Stay away from me.I'm not the woman

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