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The Billionaire's Heirs: A Hilton Cove Tale

Chapter 6 Six.

Word Count: 1746    |    Released on: 13/10/2023

arms pinned in tight grip above my head as he glowered menacingly at me. His dark gaze filling me with such derision as his gaze bore into mine. I wanted to muster up the bite in me that would've n

e him a demeaning smirk and flashed him the middle finger. I didn't wait to see his reaction before I turned and flung open the front door, rushing out into the salty morning air. My heart was still pounding, but I was free for now. I had to get out of here. Lincoln wouldn't be down too long, and kneeing him would've aggravated the hell out of him. I couldn't risk being around. God knows what he would do to me. The door knob jiggled as if it were about to open and I immediately took off, not taking into mind that my scruffy sandals probably weren't the best running shoes, but I had more in line than some beat up sandals. I ran down the narrow, winding streets of our neighborhood, my breaths coming in ragged gasps. The salty sea breeze whipped against my face, providing some sort relief from the ordeal I had just escaped. My feet ached as sweat dripped down my face as I tried to put as much distance as possible between myself and Lincoln. Who was right behing me. I knew the bastard wouldn't be down long. I ran frantically through the maze of alleyways and narrow streets, my heart pounding in my chest like a drum. The sound of my own ragged breaths filled my ears, drowning out everything else. Fear coursed through me as I glanced over my shoulder, catching a glimpse of Lincoln hot on my heels, shouting obscenities that only fueled my panic. I had no idea where I was going; I just needed to get away from him. My vision blurred with tears, and I stumbled over uneven cobblestones, my sandals offering little protection against the rough terrain. I increased my pace, finally getting my bearings on where exactly I was. I knew this place like the back of my hand, I could lose him. But even as I thought this, I knew there was no way I could keep this up. And just then I glimpsed at a dark alleyway that was lodged between two apartment complexes, and hurriedly made my way. I hated how early it was, as only very few were out, and the ones that were didn't care or show any concern as to why I was running with a man chasing after me, like most sane people would. Somehow, I lost Lincoln, but I knew it was merely for a few seconds, but I however seized the chance as I dove into the alleyway, only to I collide with someone. The impact sent shockwaves through my body, and I found myself tumbling into a solid, warm presence. Strong arms encircled me, steadying my trembling form. In my state of panic and confusion, I barely registered the surroundings, my attention focused solely on the lifeline that this stranger had become. Without thinking, I whispered with urgency, "Please, hide me. He's after me." I didn't know why I even asked, I might all well have just sealed my fate. But I had to do something. Lincoln would be here any second, and I just didn't have it in me to continue the chase. The stranger didn't hesitate. He pulled me closer and draped the large, dark cloak he wore over me.

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