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The Mafia and The Billionaire

The Mafia and The Billionaire

Author: R.Y.E.

Chapter 1 The Past

Word Count: 2002    |    Released on: 12/10/2023


ions at all times," said Grandma. We were in the living room of our mansion in Portico, discussing my departure

ed to return to Ling City immediately, where I had spent six years of my life. "Serene, do you understa


you're already an adult, which means you are of age to get married and have your own family. Took this time to

ever-attentive Grandpa had prepared, hoping it would calm my trembling nerves. "It's not that I'm rushing you, Serene, but you must choose a suitable husband who understands the intricacies of our family and can support ou

ndma, do I need to go to such lengths?" I questioned, my voice wavering slightly.

my eyes at him because I had been waiting for him to say something, a

, and you, my dear, possess her intelligence and resilience. But it would be best if you did not repeat

e I came here. I have embraced the path you set for me, and I want you to know that I willingly chose it. However, I want you to relax and not worry about me. I will fin

andma to continue dominating the conversation. "And Grandpa, will you just allow

mafia. In Portico, our family was renowned for our kindness and generosity, and we were always ready to lend a helping hand to those around us. Howev

his actions. As for his mistress, she would not achieve what she wanted, nor would their illegitimate child. Lorenzo did


was still tightly holding onto my mother's hand. It struck me as odd that he wore a hat and sunglass

ked my mother with an ominously twisted smile: "You're happy, ri

hile I was already frightened by our circumstances, he appeared unfazed. Sensing the danger, my mother sh

tect me from harm. When I called out to her again, I tugged at her hand, my concern for her overwhelming. And then,

Mom. We will bring you to the hospital." My tears streamed

t care that my mother was lying, unconscious. Thankfully, the people around us saw our distress and rushed to our aid, helping to

ace in having a playmate-a distraction from the pain of my mother's sudden death. However, it soon became apparent that Mavie was anythin

t instead of asking her what was wrong, I couldn't help but cry, too. Because the weight of missing m

ho looked smug as if they knew something I didn't. As a young child, I couldn't comprehend their in

ion. Dad's hand met my cheek at that moment with a stinging slap. That was the first time he had ever hurt me physically, and I w

who harbored little affection for me, would put on an extra show of love. I often wondered why, but as a

d you will stay there for the rest of your life, never to return. Did you understand?" In my young min

of his family, and it became evident that he had been unfaithful to my mother. My grandparents held a deep disdain for him, which is why they never

strongest in the region by which Lorenzo knew nothing about. My grandparents believed that our adversaries were responsible for my m

ver be able to abuse and deceive me as my father had done to my mother. When the time came for

of Flash

fore your heart. Emotions can cloud your judgment and lead to poor decisions. Stay focu

s I had spent crying, questioning why my father had never shown me the love I so desperately craved. Why had he only been kind to me when

determination. The wounds inflicted by my father's actions still linge

should provide. But I knew I had to let go of that longing and focus on the path ahead. "He will

t I had grown stronger and wiser. I was no longer the six-year-old Serendipity Dylan but Seren

upport and guidance led me to what I am now. I trained every day to be phys

ing; it's the Serendipity Jewelry, and claiming it would not be easy. I'm sure that Lorenzo will not give it to me willingly. But armed w

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1 Chapter 1 The Past2 Chapter 2 In Ling City3 Chapter 3 Married4 Chapter 4 Pissed Off5 Chapter 5 Party6 Chapter 6 Unexpected Dinner7 Chapter 7 Protect8 Chapter 8 Attempted9 Chapter 9 Saved10 Chapter 10 Safe11 Chapter 11 Training12 Chapter 12 Jealous 13 Chapter 13 Straight in a face14 Chapter 14 Girl from 13 years ago15 Chapter 15 The Boy From 13 Years Ago16 Chapter 16 Lead17 Chapter 17 Kiss18 Chapter 18 The Lady Of The House19 Chapter 19 French Kissing20 Chapter 20 Mother-Daughter Duo21 Chapter 21 Plagiarize22 Chapter 22 A Portico23 Chapter 23 Lorraine24 Chapter 24 Getting Used To It25 Chapter 25 Honey26 Chapter 26 Teasing27 Chapter 27 The Truth28 Chapter 28 Meeting The Parents29 Chapter 29 Accident30 Chapter 30 Princess31 Chapter 31 Woman32 Chapter 32 Wanted and Wanton33 Chapter 33 Honeymoon Experience34 Chapter 34 Loyal35 Chapter 35 My Party36 Chapter 36 Party 237 Chapter 37 Will38 Chapter 38 Visit Plan39 Chapter 39 Box In40 Chapter 40 Mine41 Chapter 41 To Protect42 Chapter 42 Transfer43 Chapter 43 Juancho44 Chapter 44 Juancho 245 Chapter 45 Mature Content46 Chapter 46 Ally or Enemy47 Chapter 47 Mr. Madrid's Daughter48 Chapter 48 Pain In The Ass49 Chapter 49 Revenge50 Chapter 50 Visitor51 Chapter 51 Lunch52 Chapter 52 Call Someone53 Chapter 53 Board Meeting54 Chapter 54 Domain55 Chapter 55 Taking Serene56 Chapter 56 Taking Serene Part Two57 Chapter 57 Appointment with Richard58 Chapter 58 Plan For New Life59 Chapter 59 New Face60 Chapter 60 Richard61 Chapter 61 Bonding62 Chapter 62 Warn63 Chapter 63 Mature Content64 Chapter 64 Rafael65 Chapter 65 Lose Consciousness66 Chapter 66 Pregnant67 Chapter 67 Pregnant 268 Chapter 68 Pregnant 369 Chapter 69 It has began70 Chapter 70 Wasted71 Chapter 71 Angry72 Chapter 72 Going back to Portico73 Chapter 73 Face the man74 Chapter 74 The Man75 Chapter 75 In Danger76 Chapter 76 Let's roll77 Chapter 77 Let's go!78 Chapter 78 Stabbed79 Chapter 79 Safe80 Chapter 80 Anew81 Chapter 81 Hit82 Chapter 82 A baby boy!83 Chapter 83 Family84 Chapter 84 The End