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The billionaire in love with her housekeeper

Chapter 3 Zyra met with her mother

Word Count: 1074    |    Released on: 10/10/2023

had earlier lost her father, and appear to be the only surviving child t

asons for her called she need know one to te

growing older and need to get a man as a husband; what then is keeping you longer?" She asked Zyra.

know about Xara, which almost ended my life, and now you have started again. Should

s far older than, aside from the fact that she is a billionaire. "You can't compare me with them, mother; I will surely have mine; all I

ght mind will watch their daughter at this age be si

as I have said, I will have my man at the right time." She went to the fridge and got herself some

of 70 years old and a p

s discussed with her, as he had told her sec

to be his wife. Zyra looked at him and said. "With due respect, sir, I might be single, but I'm not desperate to settle down; beside, I

ions to what she his." Her beauty, courageous heart and support, must especially the believe you have for yourself. Please give me the opportunity to be your husband; that alone will give me peace of mind." He pleaded with her. Zyra refuses; she needed a man whose age isn't much older than hers. "Will

allows him into my office. She quickly called on her secretary. As soon as the Lynn responded to her call, Zyra fired her for allowing Koen into her office. Lynn, pleaded to retain he

but Zyra maintained her words that she was fired

loved his job. The young man, Eric, stuck to his job; in fact, he was so car

e. Unfortunately for her, none of the men present at the birthday party fit her status. "This is a disappointment and a bad day, but does that mean that I can't get a man here? Anyway, the birthday isn't over." She sat alone with her food being served to her when a young, handsome man approached her. Th

ng lady serving the audience. Zyra didn't waste much time before giving her a slap, and the attitude kept everyone scarrted until she left the party. Whe

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1 Chapter 1 Rennie had a heartbreak2 Chapter 2 A love from social media3 Chapter 3 Zyra met with her mother4 Chapter 4 A plan against. Zyra5 Chapter 5 Rennie disguised himself6 Chapter 6 Zyra get disturb7 Chapter 7 Rennie challenge Zyra8 Chapter 8 Rennie offered Zyra a contract9 Chapter 9 Rennie and Zyra in the kitchen10 Chapter 10 Luna get worried over Rennie marriage11 Chapter 11 Rennie fell sick12 Chapter 12 Zyra get jealous13 Chapter 13 Evan quest to see Rennie14 Chapter 14 Rennie returned home15 Chapter 15 A family meeting held by Evan16 Chapter 16 Rennie and Zyra makes love17 Chapter 17 Hailey get to know Rennie18 Chapter 18 Zyra want to know Rennie relative's19 Chapter 19 Zyra at home20 Chapter 20 Hailey plan against Rennie21 Chapter 21 Rennie gifted Zyra a costly Jewelry22 Chapter 22 Hailey pressurized Zyra23 Chapter 23 A contracted Fiance24 Chapter 24 Rennie truth identity is revealed25 Chapter 25 A fight to end Rennie and Zyra relationship26 Chapter 26 Zyra is pregnant27 Chapter 27 Zyra and Rennie get married28 Chapter 28 Zyra and her twins babies29 Chapter 29 Hopeton took courage to approach Ranee30 Chapter 30 Ranee thought hopeton words31 Chapter 31 Zyra is 40s32 Chapter 32 Luna got accident33 Chapter 33 Ray Warn Luna34 Chapter 34 The heart hopeton love35 Chapter 35 Luna and Sharlene had misunderstanding36 Chapter 36 Ranee and Hopeton got married37 Chapter 37 Luna and the consequences of her sin38 Chapter 38 Luna in tears39 Chapter 39 Ray is taking to the psychiatrist40 Chapter 40 Rennie visits a witch doctor41 Chapter 41 Raine got his virgin Employee pregnant42 Chapter 42 Luna love Ray the more43 Chapter 43 Raine is forced to engage Ellie44 Chapter 44 Raine had sex with Ellie again45 Chapter 45 A side chick for Ray46 Chapter 46 A game without Shame47 Chapter 47 Raine hate Chloe48 Chapter 48 The confuse Raine49 Chapter 49 Ray sex Luna unknown to him50 Chapter 50 Ray signed understanding51 Chapter 51 Heidi the bad girl52 Chapter 52 Luna is pregnant53 Chapter 53 Phoebe the old 54 Chapter 54 Chloe womb is damage55 Chapter 55 Raine took my womb56 Chapter 56 Chloe the wounded 57 Chapter 57 Luna pregnancy experience58 Chapter 58 Ray the coward59 Chapter 59 Aaron the victim60 Chapter 60 Aaron insisted marrying Phoebe61 Chapter 61 Raine fell into Chloe trap62 Chapter 62 Phoebe is missing63 Chapter 63 Aaron found Phoebe64 Chapter 64 Chloe hurt Raine65 Chapter 65 Aaron realized he was under a spell66 Chapter 66 Luna twins67 Chapter 67 Good siblings