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Project Fugo

Chapter 5 The Transfer

Word Count: 1044    |    Released on: 07/10/2023

f everyone. As he entered the reception area to Lab 101, he saw everyone gathered in the meeting room. Everyone looked distraught. Clearly the news of the shutdown must have reached its way here.

Ross that Carlton some how knew what he h

duty sir." Ross said again in an innocent voice. "Mhmmm, in fact you made such an impression on him that he asked for your immediate transfer to his office. You wouldn't know why he would do that would you Ross?" Carlton asked never taking his eyes away from Ross. "No sir, I do not." Ross replied. " Well then I gues

a subtle hint to his involvement in the plot, was it a threat? Just then Rollins' phone rang. " Special

one waiting for you." He slowly drove in and parked his car. " Special Agent Ross?" A Short women with round glasses asked as he exited his car. "Please follow me." She said as she began walking. Ross was once again shocked as to what value he could possibly a

fforts of Special Agent Ross, we were able to crack into a Lab 101 encrypted file. The files included many different subfolders which include top state secretes on ongoing clandestine activities of our Agency. The one that caught my attention and is the warrantee of today's meeting, is the Assassination plot of the President, on his tour to Syria for the Terrorism summit." A huge gasp escaped from everyone in the room except Rollins. "Excuse me General, are you saying that there is a mole in the Agency?" the Secretary of State asked clearly in disbelief. " It has not yet been confirmed. But yes all the information that we have at our disposal currently shows that the Agency has been Infiltrated." The General said this as if he had been personally responsible for the infiltration. "Okay well, do we have any suspects?" one of the Secret service men asked. " WELL.." General Whittacker had started his next disappointing sentence when Agent Ross cleared his throat. "Umm, sir, I might have a lead. Last night when I

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