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Betrayed And Rejected

Chapter 2 He was

Word Count: 2596    |    Released on: 06/10/2023

from his temple, ending in sharp points. When he smiled, his serrated teeth co

narrowly missing his t

cells. The first time his kind had tried to take me out for punishment,

several punishments, I'd learned that even fighting back with words could get a girl grille

I done wron

rin. "This will be a first for

about Griff's betrayal. "Is this verbal tortur

ings. "The boss has

swer i

way apart from exercise sessions that we were permitted to leave our cells. After the time some crackpot alchemist had

ause refusing means double punishments

nt of asking me if you're makin

d with a cold chuckle. "After all, ar

led. "Take me

ard beneath one arm and s

were as tall as hills and chewed souls like mine for sport. That had been my second punishment, by the way. After traveling through the bastard's digestive

to your future torture sessions." He wiggled his

narled and offer

wings a sharp flap, shifting the air

too late. Enough grit landed on their tender surface to keep them streamin

was hundreds of feet over a large courtyard consisting of

that looked like it might crum

ated my sinuses in a poisonous ash. I tightened my stomach muscles and shuddered as w

y imp who dropped a spirit they ferried out of the p

even-foot-tall, muscular grandeur and crad

and sex. I let my arms go limp and tried not to look at his muscles or inhale his brimstone scent. This part of Hell was dark, largely because the stalagmites were so tall that they blocked out


around an open space. Except these towers were jagged and made of

the massive structures, filled with

h, trying to remain calm. "Excuse m

king my stomach lurch. "Are you going to barra

gut to the back of my throat, but I swa

ad to me and scowled. "He or

r po

into the lava and have to wait for the demonic piranhas

ryone who worked the pun

skin. "What would this boss of yours say

f his crimson face, and

and good, but demons had memories even longer than their tail

good for once in this awful af

glided over the configuration of rocks that bordered the e

ith their body twisted with a

he huge statues were smaller platforms where the demons laid out the Pits' inmates and delivered hours o

at the memory of t

ns were bl

ard the palace," the imp said with

eg for details so he could say some

at radiated from the surface, which formed

us?" he asked wi

I blurted before

ose serrated teeth of his

had always told me that my recklessness would get me and the p

r the weak. Once I made a decision, I stu

wever one could describe whatever

n, but one that didn't get the sun. Fire licked beneath the clou

he imp. "What?" I rep

because they existed to create torment: physical, mental

he thought of being taken away to some mysterious demon. To pass the time, he wanted me to beg and whin

rom you," he said. "When you said t

voice sound breezy. "Thanks for letting me


nside, I

part of hell which was covered in sand, with the occasional fire lighting our way. Gigantic bones litt

I tried to convince myself it was the sk

n a supernatural creature, and that no creature swi

fun," sai

. "Maybe you'd feel a bit better if you spared a th

didn't deserve it." "You could be righ

ing Gerrison and Dad had taug

knew what I had done had been wrong. That's why Logris had laws and packs had unwritten co

ur and the dust and the grit. Things would have end

crushed it into a ball. I did w

ark zone into an open space where the air was lighter, brighter

n but also resembled a haunted castle. Twin towers stood from its pinnacle

I asked, interrupting

ifth Faction," he said, leaving a whole lot unspoken. "He's no

ath. Apart from sassing a few imps at the

s leader was Hades, the Greek god who had once ruled an underworld of the same name. We learned about him

ages, and shifters. It was hard to believe that Dad had been both the alpha of our pack, the Shifter King, an

t, then?" I asked

know, I can tell you

tly what he wanted. For me to amuse him with a round of whining and grove

said, my voice flat. "Will yo


hed. It couldn

e told me that Hell was full, and I had to live at the bottom of the lake. Or that they'd caught me avoiding the screen repl

you need to know. But first

re the moment they'd cum? The worst part was that they'd add on the time a condemned soul spent pleasuring them to the punishment session. A

th Hades," I said. "Are

it comes

toss me on the ground like he might have do

wall surrounded by a lava-filled moat. The more practical part of my consciousness told me t

then toss me away. Not when it would take days for me to recover

y-foot-tall rock troll with curled horns rose fr

hed my teeth. If the building's exterior was this inh

rection of the Punishment Pits. Coming h

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1 Chapter 1 There2 Chapter 2 He was3 Chapter 3 The palace 4 Chapter 4 The punishment 5 Chapter 5 The skin 6 Chapter 6 Hades stepped 7 Chapter 7 Next time 8 Chapter 8 Cut 9 Chapter 9 I leaned 10 Chapter 10 Hades11 Chapter 11 These are the 12 Chapter 12 Beki13 Chapter 13 Healer laso14 Chapter 14 Surrounding 15 Chapter 15 The driver took16 Chapter 16 Beki17 Chapter 17 I couldn't 18 Chapter 18 My gaze19 Chapter 19 The moment Griff 20 Chapter 20 Regular 21 Chapter 21 As Griff 22 Chapter 22 It took23 Chapter 23 A sharp24 Chapter 24 Why worry about a few25 Chapter 25 We were getting 26 Chapter 26 Griff wheeled27 Chapter 27 Got anything to say28 Chapter 28 Take care of Katie 29 Chapter 29 I scrambled to my feet 30 Chapter 30 What are you saying 31 Chapter 31 And when Larissa 32 Chapter 32 I didn't bother 33 Chapter 33 He shook 34 Chapter 34 Silence spread 35 Chapter 35 I gave him a non-committal 36 Chapter 36 My lips trembl37 Chapter 37 Afterwards 38 Chapter 38 There are a few 39 Chapter 39 Outside the range Rover 40 Chapter 40 I would already 41 Chapter 41 Fenrir was even42 Chapter 42 Griff opened the door 43 Chapter 43 It looked like the packs44 Chapter 44 I d45 Chapter 45 Next46 Chapter 46 I gave him a hesitated nod47 Chapter 47 My stomach flip48 Chapter 48 The corners of her lips49 Chapter 49 Right50 Chapter 50 Griff's larger body 51 Chapter 51 He was one of the s52 Chapter 52 I drifted in and out of sleep 53 Chapter 53 His eyes narrowed54 Chapter 54 To my relief 55 Chapter 55 Wolves 56 Chapter 56 The demon kept 57 Chapter 57 About fifty58 Chapter 58 That was a good question 59 Chapter 59 I thought Griff 60 Chapter 60 If she was that bad61 Chapter 61 No one may62 Chapter 62 Griff's lips 63 Chapter 63 His teeth clamped64 Chapter 64 You know that 65 Chapter 65 It's really me66 Chapter 66 Everything happened 67 Chapter 67 I shuddered 68 Chapter 68 I sucked 69 Chapter 69 I wrapped both arms 70 Chapter 70 Since a lot of wild71 Chapter 71 When we were72 Chapter 72 I clenched73 Chapter 73 I was 74 Chapter 74 Instead of driving 75 Chapter 75 Fenrir's threat76 Chapter 76 Who are you talking about 77 Chapter 77 These sensation 78 Chapter 78 I turned to where Griff79 Chapter 79 I suppose breath 80 Chapter 80 Why not 81 Chapter 81 The sun had set82 Chapter 82 His words hit harder83 Chapter 83 When you stepped into my abode 84 Chapter 84 I stared85 Chapter 85 I rubbed a hand86 Chapter 86 I stepped 87 Chapter 87 i sat back in my seat88 Chapter 88 only her face89 Chapter 89 the smoke filled my90 Chapter 90 luna continued91 Chapter 91 ophois pushed the door92 Chapter 92 not me93 Chapter 93 i squeezed94 Chapter 94 i stared into the furious95 Chapter 95 as the red vehicle96 Chapter 96 i glanced from a grinning97 Chapter 97 If griff were a tea kettle98 Chapter 98 we returned99 Chapter 99 Griffs lips were and supple100 Chapter 100 all plans