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Lord Rosario's Sex Slave

Chapter 3 Wang's eternal punishment

Word Count: 1757    |    Released on: 06/10/2023

g's c

d crying, Wang on the floor having sex with his dog. "What in the seven hells are you doing?" h

s were showing on his face as he saw the head of his dick and part of his shaft wriggling on th

you think I share my belongings with anyone? If you dare touch her with in your wretched lif

d carried her weak bo


she had legs but she could always return back to her home, the sea. She sprinkled sea water

of water. She had fainted on the way to the infirmary and she was pleased with the fact that Rosario r

r maids and mother but when she remembered that she was naked in front of Rosario and Wang, she

ion. After she crushed the leaves and mixed it, she obtained a topaz coloured thick potion which


were the heads of the kitchen and prepared banquets and food for the Royal family

the first time even day a day has passed since her murder. Nero hardly came out of the kitchen premise

ulan shook her head. "I wish it was her, can't get enough of her at the Castle already. It was Prin

ured that Lord Austin was a spy. He worked with the Kingdom of Saffron and aided them with the

ewhere safer but his family has been taken into the custody and their punish

ath when she said "I saw the Dowager Queen going to King Rosario


g the door. "Is Rosario in?" she asked and Eden nodded briskly and she made to enter but he

while he specifically instructed that he needed rest? Luckily, the door opened and a voice spoke from within,

ery busy and need as much rest as I deserve?" he asked plainly and she spluttered something inaudible but regained po

private part?" she roared but Rosario shrugged "I didn't cut it completely. This made her even more

anything to say to this?" he asked and she rolled her eyes "I don't remember Rusty belonging to

e it or face my wrath" she co

hment C

o see that she was not making the slightest effort to smile. Whatever that made her ann

hments. You can enjoy the rest of your day" she said rudely but he replied her in no sentence at al

looked at Regina and could see the coldness emanating from her eyeballs. "Strip her immediately

r eyes secretly. "Look at her" she said in her siren voice and they all glued their eyes as E

d plainly. What pool was Regina speaking off? She thought within herself. Her heart began to race many hear


g a bit different but her mark of slavery, a signet ring imbued with magic which would prevent

and she gulped. She wanted to enter but she couldn't tell him a suitable lie. All these

to see the King. He summoned me for my punishment" she said with sincerity and she was shocked

he closed the door, he remembered that the King was not in. One mind advised him to tell t

"Are you trying to gain access into my chambers?" He inquired and he shook his head becaus

be it. Despite the fact that it was illegal, he entered his memory and found what was he was loo


r, she watched as Amazon pushed her into the water and she entered with a splash. "Aargh" he managed

parasol. She sat down on a throne like chair waiting to hear the screams of Emilia. It

was entering her nostrils. It tasted of strong smelling salt and its aim was to aggravate the sta

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