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The Substitute Bride: Billionaire's Dilemma

Chapter 5 5

Word Count: 1342    |    Released on: 28/09/2023


nd. I didn’t realize it last night, but one of the brands on stage was hers. From what I can tell, h

an’t use them to push my friend’s work? I hope her company continues t

to the funny and kind woman within. I know how toxic this industry is, and I don’t want

he continuous dieting, the tough requirements that photographers have, the often harsh shooting environments. I

her creativity to shine through, and she still operates in the industry

re about the script he sent in. Based on your notes, it appears like we’re

ning back to the way he spoke to Raven last night. “He’s a piece o

om says,

won’t work with him again, and let it be known that any actor or actress that works with hi

sucker do for you to give him the K

Death because it’s a slow-acting poison, and those who are hit with it often don’t even realiz

ld’ve thought of that before he let his mouth run. Let’s see where he’

time — you have to be, in an industry filled with inflated egos. This fuc

r called Andy. He works in our flagship mall. I want him fired. He works for one of the

hen that’s real estate, and it falls under Sierra’s jurisdiction.

I can’t blame him. My little sister is somewhat unhinged, after all. “Call Sierra and tell her that Andy leered at Raven the whole time I was there

eyes. “He dared offend Raven?” He grits h

family and I that love Raven. It’s everyone she comes in touch w

e idea of her going around unprotected. What would have happened if I hadn’

my pride as I call the one man I fucking despise. He m


nnoyed at the mere

s Ares

ID. All phones have tha

o extra bodyguards. I want the best

” he asks,

f them were seen together, dating on and off again. I wish there was someone else

eliminated before they even have a chance to materialize. That includes men that harass her or that won’t take no for a

ho is it that requires protection to that extent? Yo

xplicable hint of nerves runnin

. “You would go to such leng

and inhale dee

l cos

ure it

ed whenever I please,

nclair. He knows how much a

ing bu

’ll have to find so

. “Did you ever even give

I still do. My wife and I both love Raven

ch a high price fo

usiness and my

ounded your entire comp

fore have I been this tempted

. “Alanna is my

e favor. So long as it doesn’t harm anyo

at fucker laughs again. “By the way, you should probably know that Raven has unknowingly had my protection for years now — for free. You j

leaving me fucking fumin

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