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The Rise Of Tundra


Word Count: 1277    |    Released on: 29/09/2023

se Of

habi Oluwato

! D

ead. He looked at the being who just kille

denly underwent transformation without warning. And Tundra awakene

st have a fairly good reason to awaken. Nami Awakened who changed out of anger or sorrw were crazed and couldn't control themselves. Tundra was among. He grabb

eived a punch on his face sending him reeling back and spitting blue blood. Tundra's eyes were glowing in white as vei

re surprised. Zami touched his face which had swollen by the punch of the young Namidian. Tundra couldn't co


everywhere. The grace he exerted was too much that all the h


kened had gone rogue. Zami seemed less affected but his knees knocked against each other. He wondered why that was happening. Tundra

his face took on a smirk. His face went in an

u eh Nam." He muttered mockingly bu

d to Tundra sending a flurry of kicks and punches. The impact of their fists and legs col

e casually evaded the attacks sending his


ooked at Tundra and saw it was rage that increased his strength and battle prowess. The Namidians had a word for it. It was called Raca. This was a state in whic

n't even know how to use his powers was bashing him. He waved his hands and everywhere became hot as he manipulated the green sun of the planet causing a ho

ned. Tundra became calm and fell down limply. His Raca mode had drained half of his stamina and strength. Typhoon rushed over to

remony as most people hated him. Only a few who respected him

turally the post was to fall to the next in line and lot of people planned for it to be this way but some people murmured against the

e found against the rule of Thrun was beheaded immediately. Now they began to come out rallying every

bloody coup, kami." The Namidian rushed his words and Tundra found it hard to hear what he said until he heard glass s


e saw his mother bleeding and holding a Namidian in the neck choking him to death. Some men in masks shot radium bullets at her which was causing havoc on her body. She was protecting the scared Typhoon. The wind which he felt was from her as she was sending many Namid


hange. The Vremi in his hands began shaking as it


rd in charge of Tundra slapped him hard. It was at

ant who came too close. "protect

off the white liquid c

and ran with the duo. It was difficult taking them but Typhoon was awake and so could run by

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