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Seducing The Single Dad: His Temptation

Seducing The Single Dad: His Temptation


Chapter 1 New Designs

Word Count: 1201    |    Released on: 25/09/2023

1 New


she had been skeptical whether it would turn out well. Most of her best-selling jewelries are the ones that keep her up at night the most. Still, the feeling never appears familiar at the intake of every new pr

personal assistant, Jada. "Wh

mile on her face. "They

herself in doing the best of works. The design team all have designs and ideas for the summer collection. However, Alexis always insist on prese

jewelry company dream with muttered. "This is a work of art.

nd Joel have maintained a healthy friendship and only him has the guts to

use resonated the entire space as they all mumbled noisily,

r bones crack at the effect of her body movement. Creating new designs takes a huge toll on her, especially when they are working towards a particular collection. Sleeples

umber of times she had whined into their ears about wanting to be an international fashion icon. Her love for jewelries became notable when every odd and incredibly nice jewelry me

eet people and discuss things outside the jewelry business, Alexis wants nothing to do with it. This had prompted her to instruct Jada to never allow any of her family members, her sister to be precise, in

oday?"Alexis asked Jada as t

ally, you are free for the rest of the day. I guess this would en

contacted and that they haven't changed our assigned workers. Those people can be funny. That remin

e job. She has always been meticulous and likes to follow through on every aspect concer

said, opening the doo

such an instance was rare. Her best and long lasting friend, Yvonne, was raiding through her jewelry samples placed on the table she loves to regard to as her legendary show of Fame and Success. There in lies her best-

hour!" Yvonne mumbled in her awf

orious at the look of frustration on Alexi

d to calm her breathe. "What in the world are these two

d come since you have the rest of the

ied out of the office, leaving Alexis with her nightmares. She slumped into a chair. "I really don't like

s to act this way, after refusing to see any

the gum, as she stood up. "Anyways my love, we only came to invite you for lunch. Don't you th

want to." Yvonne urged, hel

ragged out of the office. The rest of her day

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