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A Chance Encounter: The Rise Of a New Era

A Chance Encounter: The Rise Of a New Era

Author: CassBee

Chapter 1 Tragedy Strikes

Word Count: 1528    |    Released on: 25/09/2023


darkness. Here in Lycanthropia, the ancient folklore curse of turning into a wolf at a certain age of eighteen, was not merely a supernatural phenomenon but the foundation to the beginn

pressive rule that pervaded every corner of the realm as a whole. This was the seat and present fate of the realm under the power of the alpha king, a figure

nts of the rugged mountains. Wild wood, thorn vale, wolf haven and the silver pine pack for residents of the sprawling forests, which relatively had a lesser population than the rest. Each of the aforementioned pack leaders now shared a hand in a web of lies and whispered dissent becoming rivals in the quest of becoming the Alpha king's favorite. The Alpha king, driven by a thirst for dominance and control, employed fear and manipulated violence in order to maintain his grip on power, his rule was characterized and graded as a strict enforcement of oppressive laws, ruthless punishment or death for those who helped those who we

ur individualities and reducing each and every one of us to nothing but mere pawns in a game of power. The once upon a time lively and vibrant realm was now marked with submission and coated with silence, with each of u

d last for, as whispered rumors of a resistance circulated the entire realm and neighboring realm in hushed voices, as every

" had come to be because of the rare herbs, minerals and other natural treasure, coupled with the dense pine forests, with silver-hued trees stood tall that exuded majesty and a deep connection to nature and I just so happened to be a resident of the Silver pine as I has come to know from my foster parents. who never failed to tell me the story of how I had appeared at their doorstep when her and father had been in dire need of a child, mother had said it was as if I'd been gifted to them by the moon goddess even though they

rd repeated shouting of my n

rom the rare herbs and fragrant pine trees from early this morning since it really didn't take much to see that her and father were both growing weary from ag

ing my name and just then I spotted her, a y

by eighteen, though they had only just moved to our neighborhood a little over 4 months ago, my parents and Emma's had come to be really close friends which made Emma and I acquainted, since we were both shy, socially awkward and never really knew what to say most of the time, we both always just settled for pleasantr

e out of breath, did something exciting happen"

hought to myself and it d


.the....stream......aaa..bout....ten...of...them, I ran -here

hing Emma had just told me and then I started running as fast as my little legs

view. Thoughts of why the Alphas army would raid our house plagued my mind and why did they have

b only to reveal the goriest sight of my parents' now lifeless body in a

my knees, I couldn't breathe, maybe I was dying, not that it ma

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