want. I should've been dead a l
SS3A". I read what was written on the door of the classroom out loud with a smile on my face, pushed open the door, then walked through it. My God. It was amazing. The class was painted in a bright yellow color and the sitting arrangement was now different compared to the sitting arrangement in SS2. In SS2, we used double chairs, meaning that every single person had a seat partner. But now, we were using single chairs, meaning everybody had a seat and a table to himself. "Toyosi!" Oh my God. That was loud abeg. I started walking to where she was seated. "Oh my God. Where have you been?" She said giving me a bear hug. "I missed you ooo" she finally lets me go. "I mean we didn't see you throughout the holiday. You weren't at any outing or any gathering, what's up naw?" Oh my God. Peace was the most hyper soul that I ever came across. Jesus Christ. She was so loud ehn. Always talking about one exciting thing or the other or Always talking about one person that offended her or something. Peace was an extremely close friend. I mean peace and Anjola were my closest friends but anjola was a bookworm so I vibed better with peace. "You ask way too many questions in a second..." I told her. "...but as you can see, I am pretty as usual, and I couldn't be at any gatherings because I don't appreciate it when we gather with the art and commercial students". "whatever". She said with a wave of her hand and I laughed. Typical peace. Just then I looked to my left and saw the short dark skinned cute girl, waving her hand and smiling at me. How didn't I notice her since? I walked past peace to get to her and immediately I hugged her. I have missed this girl. Seriously. "Anjie!". I was already squeaking and my God we got a lot of attention there. "Toyo!" I could feel stares boring into my skin. I wasn't comfortable with this. I immediately let go of anjola. I did this without making her sense my discomfort. "How have you been?" I said giving her a small smile. "Nawa ooo. Na only anjola you see?" This girl has started making noise this morning. "Toyosi it's not fair ooo". Peace was always so jealous. Anjola was the youngest of all in this clique so I always made sure she was okay. She was always very quiet and doing her own thing. Anjola was a girl who didn't like to be caught up in any kind of trouble, not even an argument, let alone a fight. "Peace, you were about to squeeze the life out of me like two minutes ago, remember?" I raised a brow at her. "Ehn, whatever sha." That was one thing peace would say when she doesn't have a point to argue about. I laughed. "So what's good? Gist me naw." Peace ehn. I palmed my face and laughed. "No gist ooo." I replied. Just then, the bell went off signaling time for the daily assembly. "8 o'clock already?" I said with a pout. "Yes ooo, let's go abeg." Peace said in a rush an started to move out of the class. "And that's how she'll leave is behind." Anjola chipped in. We all laughed and started to move out of the class. Assembly was so interesting, to be honest but, unfortunately not for the juniors who always came late to school. There are just some students who have this habit of coming late. No matter how early they wake up, they still end up coming late to school and I felt for these students. If they weren't in the hall by 8:05 am, big problem. There were two entrances to the hall. At each entrance, one disciplinary prefect and one punctuality prefect were always there. Damilare and Mofe were the disciplinary prefects. Dare being the disciplinary prefect male, while Mofe being the disciplinary prefect female. Every single Junior in the school had some kind of hate towards them. I mean for starters, they were huge and they both looked highly intimidating, secondly, they were really brutal when it came to punishing juniors. There was one incident when Bayo from ss2 told dare he was too wicked and that he should calm down with his punishment. How can I ever forget that day? Bayo was slapped and mofe pleaded with Dare to take over Bayo's punishment. She embarrassed him in the presence of the whole school. She asked him to pull his shoes, place them on his head, and then kneel down with his arms sideways. BRUTALITY! Kelechi and Mayowa were our punctuality prefects. Kelechi being the punctuality prefect male and Mayowa being the punctuality prefect female. They are both very pretty people sha. You might be wondering what the hell punctuality prefects do, well, they are responsible for the punishment of any