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How to Hide the Mafia Boss' Child

Chapter 4 4

Word Count: 1489    |    Released on: 19/09/2023


er mouth while looking around the place. I sighed in

led. I removed my hands from her mouth and sa

. She shook her head and pointed at me with wide eye

I con

ter not tell this to anyone or else. You’re the only one who knows about m

did you tell it to me when you don’t want

mean to tell you anything today, but I guess I got carried away by our conversation. Anyways,

amn,” she muttered under her breat

alant look, causin

tell anyone, I promise. But, I just hav

” I raised m

e that revealing your family heritage will give you a much easier time survi

d. “I don’t want an

“If I were you, I would have exploited my last name so I could be the boss around this place. I

d foot in this place that he’s part of t

t think so. I think I’ve heard their last name from here

ut everyone’s eating him up like a delicious meal. If they find out that

down on my bed and lightly pushing her away. “Just don’t forge


people as soon as I got there. Daisy was still fast asleep in her bed, and I tr

essly hoisted my body up the pull-up frame, counting in my head as I did so. I continue

t the fuck are you doing?” I cursed at the bald man

smiled. “I was just a

out a sigh of disbelief. I glared at him with profound hatred, c

ess mad? Shouldn’t you be flattered t

cuse me, I’m going back to my set so I can strengthen my skills as a guard. I hope you do, too,

statement. I didn't give a fuck, however, so I turned around and left him be. He seeme

shoulder and ignored his presence. We came here to train, and that’s exactly what I’m doing.

and held onto his wrist, mercilessly twisting it beyond the ligament

n our direction, but I didn’t give a damn. One thing that annoys me the m

blew the stray piece of hair away from my face and assumed a fighting stance. There were four

I told myself that I’d keep my presence on the low side once I got here. However,

e here to be a guard, I thought he’d be sturdier than that. I was about to chuckle in amusement, but I saw another fist coming my way. I quickly evaded his attack and swept his lower legs, causing him to fall

e to knock down three men who were double her size. I smiled in victory, looking at the artwork b

ning here?” a strong an

omeschooled my entire life, the only men that I’ve seen in real life are my father, brothers, and the middle-aged mentors I’ve sparred with during my traini

yes. He looked down at the three men on the ground, then snapped hi

ed my head, l

am I actin

g to stand here and do nothing?” he asked the watching apprentices. T

back to training with the other ap

” he

nsure of whether he was

o you, princes

ether. He’s definite

ed around. “Y

e looked my bod

apped, not liking the wa


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