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Trapped Hearts Find Love

Chapter 7 [5]

Word Count: 2057    |    Released on: 18/09/2023

es kept darting back and forth between Riana and Dari

Look, we found out the r

dles that she loved. Though she was full, thinking about the behavior of someone like Thomas earlier made Ol

arius laugh

iously," Riana said while

slumped. "He's just so annoying, seriously. Totally differen

chimed in. "Aside from the new bos

er head weakl

ace. Her friend's action made Olive furrow her brows

ock watch still strapped to her left wrist. "It's ei

Darius," Riana said with a l

uffed up his chest. "There's n

me. We still have work tomorrow. Don't be late.

l café-goers. This also prompted Riana to give him a strong

incredulously. She even pulled Ol

ritten on a sign, but it's strictly enforced. The

o laughter. "Wow, 'from the people, for the peo

v?" Riana asked, playing with the end of her straw. "My sister is

Thomas this whole time, did

too much, Liv. Falling in

ine. "Ew!" She quickly rubbed both of her arms. "Ew,

hip with Darius?" Ria

insane?" Meanwhile, the man they were both talking about just c

me!" Olive sh

ked out by the café ow

us too much, what they talked about somewhat reduced her irritation ab

long bench where she had been sitting. Riana had already headed to the parking

see her like this. Olive had a feeling that Riana might actually like Darius. There w

eing in the middle of a lo

. "Even though we're not in the same office anymore, I didn't stop a

ly. "You should see who's cl

Darius wiggled his eyebrows,

to fend off the evening chill. Even though this snack shop wasn't far from her house, Olive still had to

Thomas's comments about time and

because he often looked ridiculous? But when it came to his feelings, he was dead serious. It took a whole year just to sit down and have a meal together with

like Darius had a

lmet, which she had been holding since earlier. "I

ed. "You're

at a snack shop. Real cool," Riana mumbled as she adjusted her helmet a

ius got on his motorcycle

"I'm a bother? You're


with the stove and electricity. She was very afraid of causing problems because of those two things. And since the

of her neighbors, asked. The black bags she was carryin

ed with a friendly smil

?" Kiran was a bit surprised. In Kiran's eyes, Oli

e moved to an of

live's words. "The CBD is quite far,

in, Oliv

other not w

ment. Having lived in this neighborhood since she was a baby, almost all of her neighbors knew what he

intersection ahead. "Poor Olive," she said. But then she thought to herself, it wasn't her concern. So instead of s

two dollars she would have to pay as a fine. It was the way Thomas had belittled her that made her frustrat

include finding a parking spot in the building and maneuvering through other office areas to reach the Sidney branch office. It was indeed a struggle for

here yesterday, right?" he greeted first


me like that. Jus


a chimed in with a cheerful laugh. "Don't fall for Yoh

earlier, chuckled. "Don’t trying

ow some of the other staff members. Well, even though she was annoy

ion in front of the t

r eyes met the figure she had been avoidin

introduce ourselves in f

ped open. Was he

. "It's just that Yohanes was trying to act cool and fli

nes to argue playfully while sharing laughs. Meanwhile, Olive, too frustrate

quickly putting her arm around her. "He might seem stiff, but

But Olive didn

ooming room. Get ready becau


and annoying boss. She was just fru

t Thomas. She regretted accepting her promotion here. If she didn't get what was

money and precision. Her appearance shouldn't be distracting, making her lose concentration when dealing with cash d

ctivities. She had heard Olive grumbling with a pout on her face. But when they had crossed paths in the bathroom earlier, Olive had seeme

annoyed with this hair tie." She tried to act, not wantin

rinned. "Is

trying to convince Ayana. "Miss Aya

chuckled. "Dela can be a bit

utterly perplexed. Why

us on work and doesn't cause too much trouble, I

ss," Olive was gen

tted Olive's shoulder. "Y

did it turn

of her boss, Thomas, Olive had some

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1 Chapter 1 [Prologue]2 Chapter 2 [1]3 Chapter 3 [2] a4 Chapter 4 [2] b5 Chapter 5 [3] 6 Chapter 6 [4]7 Chapter 7 [5]8 Chapter 8 [6]9 Chapter 9 [7]10 Chapter 10 [8]11 Chapter 11 [9]12 Chapter 12 [10]13 Chapter 13 [11]14 Chapter 14 [12]15 Chapter 15 [13]16 Chapter 16 [14]17 Chapter 17 [15]18 Chapter 18 [16]19 Chapter 19 [17]20 Chapter 20 [18]21 Chapter 21 [19]22 Chapter 22 [20]23 Chapter 23 [21] a24 Chapter 24 [21] b25 Chapter 25 [22] a26 Chapter 26 [22] b27 Chapter 27 [23] a28 Chapter 28 [23] b29 Chapter 29 [24] a30 Chapter 30 [24] b31 Chapter 31 [24] c32 Chapter 32 [25] a33 Chapter 33 [25] b34 Chapter 34 [26] a35 Chapter 35 [26] b36 Chapter 36 [27] a37 Chapter 37 [27] b38 Chapter 38 [28] a39 Chapter 39 [28] b40 Chapter 40 [29] a41 Chapter 41 [29] b42 Chapter 42 [30] a43 Chapter 43 [30] b44 Chapter 44 [30] c45 Chapter 45 [31] a46 Chapter 46 [31] b47 Chapter 47 [32] a48 Chapter 48 [32] b49 Chapter 49 [33] a50 Chapter 50 [33] b51 Chapter 51 [34] a52 Chapter 52 [34] b53 Chapter 53 [35] a54 Chapter 54 [35] b55 Chapter 55 [36] a56 Chapter 56 [36] b57 Chapter 57 [37] a58 Chapter 58 [37] b59 Chapter 59 [37] c60 Chapter 60 [38] a61 Chapter 61 [38] b62 Chapter 62 [38] c63 Chapter 63 [39] a64 Chapter 64 [39] b65 Chapter 65 [40] a66 Chapter 66 [40] b67 Chapter 67 [40] c68 Chapter 68 [41] a69 Chapter 69 [41] b70 Chapter 70 [41] c71 Chapter 71 [42] a72 Chapter 72 [42] b73 Chapter 73 [43] a74 Chapter 74 [43] b75 Chapter 75 [43] c76 Chapter 76 [44] a77 Chapter 77 [44] b78 Chapter 78 [44] c79 Chapter 79 [45] a80 Chapter 80 [45] b81 Chapter 81 [46] a82 Chapter 82 [46] b83 Chapter 83 [47] a84 Chapter 84 [47] b85 Chapter 85 [48] a86 Chapter 86 [48] b87 Chapter 87 [49] a88 Chapter 88 [49] b89 Chapter 89 [50] a90 Chapter 90 [50] b91 Chapter 91 [51] a92 Chapter 92 [51] b93 Chapter 93 [52] a94 Chapter 94 [52] b95 Chapter 95 [53] a96 Chapter 96 [53] b97 Chapter 97 [53] c98 Chapter 98 [54] a99 Chapter 99 [54] b100 Chapter 100 [54] c