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Pure Intersection: Made "Love" In The Air

Chapter 5 Ariella and Paulo's Conflict

Word Count: 1133    |    Released on: 16/09/2023

through the crowd. "I would appreciate it if you would a

e just stands there, looking as if she r

eads in respect for a moment, she t

ears up a table, but when her intern tri

adison spits out that she knows everyone thinks she's crazy, but

ow I forget things" she says, her voice rising; "I'm working and getting on with my life. I'll accept that she's

e staring and instructs her

with his crew as they arri

al?" he asks Miguel (Miguel is in charge o

ble the price if we triple the shipment

the balcony "contact Theresa then. I guess

n Maxwell turns to see a flight attendant walking into his

what about the other

me every Wednesday on her flight days to Mexico. Last wee

on my daughte

at the airport lobby. Anyone could tell there was something more and it was c

mmediately, Paulo gets a call. He turns back to see that same flight

de some sort of mistake. He ignores that too, only to see that he has another text

ame. Ariella and Juanita smile while holding hands as they walk to P

his office, he sits them down for a stern talk "what will y

proof of enrolment from her school

thout a copy of..." he

all me at my place of work" he says calmly

ts more upset knowing they didn't even bring any kind

er to bring Juanita home but he didn't say why. She didn't que

ool. Ariella calmly tries to convince him that it was best to

cared. You run to her when she calls. Did I send her abroad because we have a lot of money to spare?" "With your mother's incident and the N

th, and considered a sister just died so just imagine how sc

h emotion. Malaysia was the best option. You

he tension again. She smiles and says "I want to eat

Juanita to say in the exact same tone "I won't eat then.

t and have fun when all of their schedules are fr

w schools for Juanita and that he want

uietly "what kind of a parent wants th

the three of them especially Juanita but wanting to take in Juanita's o

o raise their child, but Paulo won't budge "face the reality; we're incapable of

. Then they go wild. Raise her based on

y" Ariella says, raising her voice. He walks away from the fight, l

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1 Chapter 1 Juanita's New School2 Chapter 2 Ariella Meets Maxwell3 Chapter 3 Maxwell's Agony4 Chapter 4 Madison's Attitude5 Chapter 5 Ariella and Paulo's Conflict 6 Chapter 6 The soccer match7 Chapter 7 Carol's Luggage 8 Chapter 8 Maxwell Spreads Carol's Ashes9 Chapter 9 Ariella and Juanita stay at Grandma's 10 Chapter 10 The visitor at Grandma's11 Chapter 11 The Bar Talk12 Chapter 12 Office Texting13 Chapter 13 Paulo meets Sinaloa14 Chapter 14 Ariella reminisces 15 Chapter 15 I miss you 16 Chapter 16 Madison's deepest Secret 17 Chapter 17 The phone call18 Chapter 18 Intentional Coincidence 19 Chapter 19 Mendoza20 Chapter 20 His New Reality 21 Chapter 21 The Red Bean Porridge22 Chapter 22 The Funeral 23 Chapter 23 Subtle Disagreements 24 Chapter 24 She Gets a hint25 Chapter 25 Their Predicament 26 Chapter 26 Sinaloa's Issue27 Chapter 27 Miguel's Apartment 28 Chapter 28 Trip Cancelled29 Chapter 29 Reminiscing At The Bar30 Chapter 30 Sinful Desires31 Chapter 31 Giving In To Temptation32 Chapter 32 The Encounter At Abuela's33 Chapter 33 Friendly Conversation 34 Chapter 34 Navas's Redemption35 Chapter 35 The Collection 36 Chapter 36 Box Full Of Evidence37 Chapter 37 In-flight Gossip 38 Chapter 38 Change Of Plans39 Chapter 39 The Hotel In Mexico40 Chapter 40 The Banter41 Chapter 41 Quality Time42 Chapter 42 Bedroom Talk43 Chapter 43 Ariella's New Job 44 Chapter 44 Tell Me About Carol45 Chapter 45 The Return 46 Chapter 46 Sarah's True Feelings47 Chapter 47 June's Mum 48 Chapter 48 Sinaloa: Miguel's Room49 Chapter 49 We Do Things Together50 Chapter 50 Needed Rest51 Chapter 51 August 15th, 202152 Chapter 52 Stares Longingly53 Chapter 53 Discharged From The Hospital 54 Chapter 54 Pure Jealousy55 Chapter 55 Choosing Her Words Carefully 56 Chapter 56 Stays Up The Whole Night57 Chapter 57 School In Chihuahua 58 Chapter 58 Dimly Lit Room59 Chapter 59 The 4 Quotients60 Chapter 60 Fleeting Glances61 Chapter 61 Anger, Disappointment & Fear62 Chapter 62 A Stroll63 Chapter 63 Under The Bridge64 Chapter 64 Gone Terribly Wrong65 Chapter 65 Spreading Rumours 66 Chapter 66 Mandoza's Tone67 Chapter 67 Her Wounded Heart68 Chapter 68 Shiver Down Her Spine69 Chapter 69 Shimmered With Emotion70 Chapter 70 The Ornaments71 Chapter 71 Exhausted And Unwell72 Chapter 72 The Ex-coworker73 Chapter 73 The atmosphere74 Chapter 74 Her Emotions75 Chapter 75 Murmurs And Whispers