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CEO In Love With His Secretary

CEO In Love With His Secretary


Chapter 1 1

Word Count: 1168    |    Released on: 14/09/2023

fashioned and not really suitable for a girl like me. I'm the eldest in my family, I'm 30 years old, and yes, I'm already a big girl, still single and childless. You'll unde

. One evening, my father came home from work all downcast and looking desperate. The worst had happened, he'd lost his job due to a serious problem his company was experiencing, they'd had to lay off some employees and him at the same time. The world collapsed before our eyes, my father didn't have a plan B, nothing at all, and my mother, a housewife, was also counting on him. The family's lifestyle began to decline little by little until he could find another job. It seemed as if bad luck was on his side, because he couldn't find anything to do despite his skills, not even a sub-trade. That year was the hardest, my mother couldn't stand the extreme hardship we were in, and one morning we woke up to find she'd deserted us without a trace or a word. I was 22, I could already look after my family like a woman. So I took over, wiped away my father's tears and took care of him like a baby. He'd l

ll her this all the time. She's a beautiful, intelligent 20-year-old who's just started university and is studying finance. Our mother's departure affected her a lot, she cried sometimes about her absence and I couldn't do anything, I didn't know where she was until the day her sister, my aunt, told us she was living with a white man, a white man of all things. My mother

nd all, my sister and father are enough if I want to confide in them I just talk to them. Some people say that I'm insolent, impulsive and I've got a big mouth, hahahaha I can still accept that I've got a big mouth, I don't like being stepped on, I've got a strong character and I'm always on the defensive, maybe it's a flaw, I don't know. I'm always tense because of the situation we live in at home, my father's illness which worries me because of that I can be really annoying but that doesn't make me a bad person, those who know me well know that I'm very loyal with a

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