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The Lost Continent (Lost Race)

The Lost Continent (Lost Race)

Author: Sudha112

Chapter 1 Prefatory: The Legatees of Deucalion

Word Count: 3904    |    Released on: 10/09/2023

kiness are not to be played with. For myself on these events I like somewhat of a run as an early boost. In any case, here on this harsh ground in the island there were not

n addition to other things - he takes out another level or some likeness thereof on a normal each

s kind of endeavor. "Presently," said Coppinger when we had exhausted our pockets, "there's priceless little grub left, and it's not really any better or worse for being conveyed in a nearby Spanish paper." "Yours is for the most part tobacco cinde

ught to be sharp set before we got our next dinner, and our next taste of the PATRON'S amazing old nation wine. My confidence! If by some stroke of good luck they knew down in the English lodgings in Las Palmas what heavenly wines o

r something of that sort, similar to the one there is on the opposite side of the island, and he wouldn't be fulfilled till he'd stripped each cavern in the entire essence of the bluff. He'd a lot of stuff left for the spotlight thing, and 28 additional movies in his kodak, and said we should overcome with the gig th

were in a pretty much level line thirty feet underneath the edge of the bluff, and fifty feet over the base; and Spanish interest doesn't go in much where it can't walk. Presently laddering such caverns from beneath would have been lumbering, yet a light hitched rope is handily conveyed, and however it would have been difficult to move up this, our arrangem

e exception of deal you his all the best. 1 needed to save him however much I could, and as the initial three caverns I moved to were little and void, appearing to be just store-places, I requested that he underestimate them, and save himself the rest. Yet, he demanded scrambling down t

said, as he appeared to be so set on it; and away I staggered over the fallen rocks, and along the edge, and afterward mixed up by that gap in the bluff which saved us the two-mile round which we had needed to take from the beginning. I tweaked out the crowbar, and stuck it down in another spot, and afterward away I went over the side, with hands stinging more terrible at each new hold of the rope. It was an abnormal work swinging into the cavern mouth on the grounds that the stone above overhung, or the consequences will be severe (what came to exactly the same thing) it had split away underneath; however I oversaw it some way or another, in spite of the fact that I arrived with an off-kilter pound on my back, and simultaneously I didn't give up the rope. It wouldn't do to have lost the rope then, at that point: Coppinger could never have flicked it into me from where he was beneath. Presently from the principal look I could see that this cavern was of various design to the others. They were generally simple sanctums, balanced at any rate; this had been looked up with cutting devices, so every one of the points were perfect, and the sides smooth and level. The walls slanted inwards to the rooftop, helping me to remember a design I had seen previously yet couldn't recall where, and in addition there were a few rooms associated up with sections. I was satisfied to find that the other cavern openings which Coppinger believed me should investigate were simply the windows or the entryways of two of these different rooms. Of engravings or markings on the walls there was not a follow, however I looked cautiously, and with the exception of bats the spot was completely exposed. I lit a cigarette and smoked it through-Coppinger generally thinks one

lly as eager as a falcon as of now. Look here, do you realize it is four o'clock as of now? It takes more time than you suspect moving down to every one of these caverns, and afterward getting up again for the next." Coppinger spread his jacket on the ground, and wrapped the piece of sheets with delicate consideration, however wouldn't permit it to be attached with a rope inspired by a paranoid fear of breaking a greater amount of the edges. He demanded conveying it himself as well, and did as such for the bigger mostly to St Nick Brigida, and it was just when he was inside a pro of dropping himself with sheer sleepiness that he deigned to allow me to go ahead. He was passably ill mannered about it as well. "I guess you should convey the stuff," he snapped, "seeing that after all it's your own." By and by, when we got to the fonda, I had as great a supper as was obtainable, and a jug of that old Canary wine, and transformed into bed after a last line. Coppinger ate additionally, yet I have motivation to accept he didn't rest a lot. Anyway found him actually poring over the track down next morning, and looking exceptionally weighty peered toward, however overflowing with energy. "Do you be aware," he said, "that you've bumbled upon the most significant verifiable composition that the advanced world has at any point yet seen? Obviously, with your ungainly approach to getting it out, you've caused a vastness of harm. For example, those top sheets you shelled away and ruined, contained likely a totally remarkable record of the old civilisation of Yucatan." "Where's that, at any rate?" "In the Bay of Mexico. It's all remnants to-day, yet when it was an extremely prosperous province of the Atlanteans." "Never knew about them. However, gracious indeed, I have. They were individuals Herodotus expounded on, isn't that right? Yet, I thought they were legendary." "They were genuine, as was Atlantis, the mainland where they resided, which lay only north of the Canaries here." "What's that crocodile kind of thing with wings attracted the edge?" "A monster that lived in those former days of some kind or another. The pages are brimming with them. That is a cavern tiger. Furthermore, that is a giant bat of some kind. Thank heavens he had the sense to represent completely, the one who composed this, or we ought to always have been unable to reproduce the story, or in any event could never have seen half of it. Entire species have ceased to exist since this was composed, similarly all in all landmass has been cleared away and three civilisations extinguished. The most terrible of it will be, it was composed by a profoundly instructed man who to some degree normally composes an extremely awful clench hand. I've pounded at it all the night through, and have simply figured out how to make out a couple of sentences here and there"_he scoured his hands gratefully. "It will take me a year's persistent effort to appropriately interpret this." "Each man as he would prefer. I'm apprehensive my advantage in the thing wouldn't keep going really that long. Yet, how could it arrive? Did your old Egyptian come to Stupendous Canary to ultimately benefit his lungs, and compose it since he felt dull up in that cavern?" "I committed an error there. The creator was not an Egyptian. It was the closeness of the engraved person which misdirected me. The book was composed by one Deucalion, who appears to have been a cleric or general-or maybe both-and he was an Atlantean. How it arrived, I don't have any idea yet. Likely that was told in the last couple of pages, which a specific hoodlum crushed up with his folding knife, in moving them away from the spot where they were stashed." "Believe it or not, misuse me. Deucalion

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