The Exchange Semester I'll Never Forget
ch, G
es to "resting time", a.k.a. the quiet hours in Germany, in which people are legally obliged and strictly expected to refrain from making any loud noises). But honestly, Vera couldn't care less; she's going to Beijing! Beijing is her mother's home town, which she has yet to visit, let alone China. Actually, she has never been to Asia at all! Ever since her mother had suddenly passed away in a car accident 7 years ago, she had
er ride, she finally arrived at the airport a little over an hour prior to her flight. She then checked herself in, rushed through the customs and security checks, and sprinted to her boarding gate. Fortunately, she arrived at the gate just in time, meanwhile some airport staff and several other passengers observed her struggling awfully to catch her breath, face all contorted and wheezing like a cat that's coughing up a furball. After having regained her composure, she proceeded through t