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Chapter 3 Suspected Foul Play

Word Count: 1412    |    Released on: 31/08/2023

alized that they were serious. He closed his wardrobe and

s. I wish I coul

inued before Jordan could reply, “Remember how I used to follow you to the Sheriff’s office here? Even deputy Sheri

ught we were asking for the two of us

her before facing Jordan C'mo

d with you, you can just take me, and we will

d!” Henley said s

your plans? I mean, the plan where you intend

?” Fukayna asked in surprise a

ur incredible plans of how you could

Chione, and before she could reply, he said to his t

r sister with a signature glare that seemed to be the main

y that on me. That could only work on Hen here," she said as she bent down and kissed her sister’s cheek. Fukayna, who was trying hard not to lau

ush through it again,” Fukayna said as she t

opportunity to rib his sister, laughed as he pointed at her. Fukayna’s

ffed sister made her remove her shoe again, and Henl

oving her shoe as she ran after hi

d. “I guess that meant that I do not have to deliver the message of the Cook regarding a certain apple pie with your names on

d he could be

thout me!” Fukayna follo

hand theatrically

ok his head. “Those two should

no time, and one of them, certainly Fukayna, would realize what

What? The Cook ne

batted her lashes. “I saved them

ming for you

No frogs in my bed woul

cided to get back at Chione for something she had collected from them. The ge

d got scared. They released the frog, and not only did he not stay put; he jumped and landed in Fukayna’s hair and

d out loud at the memory. He had never heard

aughing. She had apparently come to his room to persuade him as well. His aunt

o, Chi,” Jo

nothing of the eight-year-old shy kid that Jordan had thought was too cool to be seen in her company when he first arri

lready showing promise for with her poise and confidence. She had been the first high school girl to be signed by a popular magazine, Rova. When she dumped what most had tho

e. Even he had thought she was just curious, but then she had shown her determination by getting the form herself, and her parents had relucta

I know, I know Ma has been on your case for the past week now, and even though Da wouldn’t say much, I could

n’s face, and in a bid to lighten the mood, he g

can’t blame me. It is not my fault tha

d undying love to me was also talking loud the o

die of boredom or your brain would just lick out through your ears,” she grinned unapologe

oing, Jordan,” she sai

ked. “What am I

ain reason I am here won’t work.

articularly close male buddies?” He

are idiots,”

of the species right

ng it again,

e was talking a

ck because you su

oked shar

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