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The Billionaire’s Fate

The Billionaire's Fate


Chapter 1 Divorce paper

Word Count: 1306    |    Released on: 30/08/2023

said alongside her son. Her malicious voice could be heard as she tapped her foot impatiently. "Maami, please let's sort this out amicably, things will soon be as they were before," He s

tries, that's not the only good news. She is about to be engaged to the sole heir of the property." Bria said with an air of pride. "My new son-in-law is the CEO of the biggest company in New York, just sign the papers please," she said in a fake pity tone. "My daughter will finally get the luxurious life that she deserves," she said happily. "What do you mean by that?" he asked. Hazel had told me that she was going on a business trip, I remember her telling me that it was for our betterment. What was all this her mother was saying? "You have to be kidding me!" he shouted angrily. Leaving his office abruptly, several thoughts ran through his mind. He could hear Hazel's mother and her brother laughing. "This must be a dream," he thought to himself as he got into his rickety scooter. The engine roared as he started heading to YKL. Managing to focus on the road, he finally got to YKL Industries. The biggest in New York, after this was his family's industry. When he was younger, Liam's father had told him to make sure he got to the top when he became the CEO, which couldn't happen. His father had always wanted to beat YKL industries, no doubt there was enmity between their families and that was what made him very shocked. "Will Hazel be able to betray my trust by getting married to my enemy? I sacrificed everything for us to be together and this was all I got. Hazel never complained, it was her mother always doing the worst," he said to himself trying to convince himself. Taking a deep breath to calm himself, he barged into the building ignoring all security protocols. His emotions were at their peak and he didn't care about the consequences of his action, he wanted to know the truth. "Stop Mr," he heard the voice of the CEO's secretary as he opened the door to meet the most compromising situation ever. His wife, Hazel sat down on a cushion chair while Anderson was on his knees, she seemed nervous for some reason. Her attention was turned to him as her face suddenly became pale. "Li..am..." she stuttered as he glared at her. "What the fuck is going on here?" Anderson asked angrily as he stood up, facing Liam. He felt his blood boil out of rage. Tha

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