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Cycle of Evolution: Divergent

Cycle of Evolution: Divergent



Word Count: 1042    |    Released on: 28/08/2023

reluctant movement, X-2

onged slumber enveloped him, a span of time shrouded in myste

his mind, he couldn't recover any information about his past or the events before his slum

emories are almost non-existent?' X-204 pondered. Yet with no way of valid

led glimpses of the dim, plain, and spacious room, along with other figures resembling him. These beings shared his d

r faces lacked features, X-204 strangely sensed t

t of their memories, adrift in th

e pondered the orchestrator behind this e

insecurity or danger. It was as though his body had inexplicably become

ght, a strangely familiar voi

Dyyx for

ion retract from the back of h

ions on his mobility had vanished. Swiftly

ingerly touched a particular spot at the b

ess, his vision r

m. Other beings, much like him, were st

of this surreal circumstance,' he thought. 'But why does

d once more in his mind. This time, however, it wasn't manipulating atta

ort to the Di

tch Ce

tent. Yet, before he could formulate a response, his muscl

happening?' Alarm

ound himself involuntarily stridi

rogress, but his own limbs

h equal precision. They advanced in orderly fashion, as if mere puppets

llic gate parted, granting pas

larger, illuminated by a dim blue glow t

the walls, adorned with intricate circuitry

Pod For Dispatchment

liar voice echoed, s

opelled him towards a pod affixed to the

ch pair of Dyyx moved i

. X-204 yearned to converse, yet words remai

on the pod mark

tir something within me?' X-204 stra

his actions. His right palm came to

ifted from blue to green, accompan

for Dyyx X-204

resonated, X-204's mind buzzed with questions. But before he could decipher their meaning,

inviting X-204 and Y-204 to recline. As they settled, the p

oftened as the gas filled th

else?' X-204's thoughts dulle

nd for Pl

quility enveloped him. Gas perme

ion For D

on For Dep

ion For D

204 was jolted awake as a ne

nky black gas

shattering his calm yet dizzi

wrapping him in an unsettling warmt

oid of memories, X-204 grappled with a deep-rooted sense

on preserving an illusion of normalc

tional Pod Ma


t Fai


ot Fa


t Process

registered the last word, h

him, an all-enco

pon him—a descent int

o shout, to move, but a

ess swallowed his c

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