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The Mate Contract

The Mate Contract

Author: XossNaomi

Chapter 1 The Debt Collectors

Word Count: 2558    |    Released on: 25/08/2023


hey had knocked on the door earlier, but the house owner bluntly refused to open it e

motion outside. She was scared and her father attempted to make her feel it would be alright with suiting words, but it didn't work. Just like every

leave... those people are

o struggle to hold the door and just as she was about to run upstairs, the people outside kicked the door open, shoving the man to fall on the side while they barge in the house. one of t

her till he made her sit be

ounded hoarse coming from his mouth. She was about to burst into tears but held he

est daughter of their debtor, but couldn't find her as she had gone to work. The rest of them downst

wooden pillars had started to get decayed at the top, it had its glory days and now it needed to be renovat

s hard for him to see where the multiple punches were coming from. In n

gang's boss to play the lottery after losing all the money, he was unable to pay back the accumulated debt of 6.7 million and only managed to give i

hes away from the man, wiping the blood which spl

either let us have one of your sweet daughters or this here," said the man, He raised his shiny silver dagger playfully and held it to the ma

and sell this old field of yours." he was referring to the land where the house was si

before his miserable life comes to an end." Another sai

ezed her nipples from the pale pink night nightwear and soon he developed to pull her nip

ing to help, he was already ganged and beaten up by the men

her little mouth. Thoughts on how to fill her small hole with himself crowned his head, he wanted to destroy her little body and leave marks all over, and he would

he thug refreshed his mind. he did remember and it was a gory scene that day. he lifted his hands to mee

fingers, making him rise due to the

a pen in his hand, and

they wanted. He was feeling hesitant and a gun was p

Taking turns kicking his ribs and legs before walking

d-like tears rolling down her cheeks while she cried silently, biting her lips to stop her from making any mo

never let anyone and the thoughts of how disgusting they all looked.

s and scars on them. she was feeling the trauma of their touch. she could still feel the gang's leader's hand on her hips and sh

, staggering because of the injuries he

e, she hadn't said anything to him ever sin

d wanted to speak with her, calling her name softly "A

rself in the bathtub and aggressively switching on the faucet which already had some patch of rust on it.


astic bags she held with her in mid-air while humming a small song till she reached the fron

heir houses but ignored them, they usually di

n and she had just come back from h

not to know who it was that did it. She just wanted to make sure her family was ok. She ran the broken stairs of th

eaten to a pulp with scars all over his face, his bandage

yes. he raised his hand to her face, cupping her cheek li

a memo of what they would do next. she promised them that she would be getting their money ready but she just need

he stuttered. his eyes searched around the room fo

ke." he asserted. he knew it wasn't easy t

y to pay back the debt I owe. can you help me with something Elsa?" he wa

dear, I don't want to die!" he was shaking terribly. iIts was damn impossible to pay the money her father borrowed before month-en

it and pushing back the loose strands that had come to fall on her face in

trying to explain to her

dn't involve my death," His lips twisted as he

daughters, the boss there. he offer

ow could he say the most despicable thing! selli

ost eighteen and her younger sister Fifteen and

ront of her, wanting to touch he

n save me from those people," he begged,

father and sister and she was ready to work more if it meant that they would pay those loan shark people but it would never be e

ge girls could have. After her mother died in a car accident, he turned worse, he even borrowed money just t

he debt people owed and using threats to make them pay the money and if they couldn't redeem the debt, he would request for the unthinkable. She did not want

t taking anyone from this family, "as what she thought, but he


dwin only thought of how to save himself by sacrificing one of his daughte

occupied Elsa's mind. She was doing more than one job, but it wasn't enough to

world, numb... she hadn

her meal, then she noticed her sister did no

back her tears from bursting out, "Why do we have to live this way? those peopl

ather was and there was no tellin

he felt worse herself. The inability to do any

way, I promise you."

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