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Trapped Woman

Trapped Woman


Chapter 1 Imprisoned

Word Count: 2713    |    Released on: 25/08/2023

iao Ke LI

I was imprisoned by m

my wrist and took away a

up, he stared at m

re. I have quit your job for you, and you are not allowed to meet your colleagues

h a good thin

nch in the world, so I suppressed the ecsta

s eyes were filled with pain. "Fiona, I can't stand other me

?" I got the po

ment. Then he closed hi

sked, "Why didn't you t

ier, I wouldn't have b

opportunity to get me drunk and imprison me, I h

he world more difficult to

hing more shamele

d version. At last, he said with dissatisfaction, "Forget it. You'd better make improvemen

ap the laptop onto hi

forced a kiss on my cheek after drinking and said, "Fiona, stop pretending. I can tell from you

that guy named Jame

ting, the director David Lewis took me t

ame to work in our company last ye

ad down. When I saw James' face

years. So I was really strong. And last night, I had no choice

s still bandaged. The corner of his mouth w

the waist in time, I might h

ld only swallow my pride and apologize. "I'm sorry,

moment that O

ing at him up and down, and suddenly sneered, saying, "

e enchanting. Besides, he had a good figure. Today

en I, who had seen Oliver cry

s before he got furious. "Who are yo

to the outside and said, "Come

as lying on the bed, turned nervous and asked in a t

d as Oliver. Instea

s project because I believed in your ability, but I didn't exp

eat rolled down his forehead. Then he stammered,


"You should look at your fat

it knife on the nightstand and thought for a while. I suspect

fired by the major shareholder of his compa

rom James as the project director and

t away to talk about the details of the cooperatio

ed with a strong smell of disinfectan

saw that Oliver was staring at me. The coldness i

, "Oliver, are you..

ked the hair behind my ear, s

ed his

t, Oliver looked at

fter beating James last night. So I went to bed r

ed slightly brighter. H

half a month, but now he was going to invite me to dinner. It w

uld enter the restaurant, but Oliver said that he knew the shop ow

be that apart from not having to wait in line for dinner, Oliver could take

up, I found myself l

t was at least much larger than the bedr

soft and elastic, much more comfor

filled with a faint

ll night long and smoked while working, which made my room smell of smoke all year round.

ht, I could see the couple that lived in the ma

iver's hand and said seriously, "You have to promise me that you will take care of my everyday life

med to be

idn't grow u

half years old. We went to the same kindergarten, an

small, looking very malnourished.

m on the ground

er cried so hard that his snot wa

er, I pointed at his nose and warned him, "If you dare to ta

this lin

beaten and threatened by me, he would bring me s

hese three months, he had been obedient to me, given me a l

class wore a pink scrunchie,

retly in class, Oliver persuaded me to threaten the boy and

know that it was Oliver's trap. I real

ious bully in the kindergarten. No one w

yone became serious and left as soon as the

asked, "Why don't the

iona, they are jealous of you because you are so excellent. Y

im. At this time, the principal and the parents who came to visit the

al Open Day of the kindergart

y and carefully make a trap for me. Then he allured m

The children in the kindergarten lined up, wiped their

ther got more and more serious. When it came to the

one was

at him

e and said, "I'm Fi

ith tearful eyes, "As long as Fiona can give my toy ki

n the community for half an hour. I couldn't sit on the c

garten the next day, I was punished

hile crying, thinking, "Why c

me, Oliver

my hand and said in a lo

"I don't need your help!

want to

ngry that I

ow and shone on my body. It made me feel warm, and

st the wall an

en Oliver woke me up, gave me the not

e up wit

n interesting place, and then we took a taxi t

untain pool. As soon as I entered the house, I saw the luxuri

indifferent man and said, "Th

med to be so serious that I

ith a smile, "It seems that Oliver really made a friend this time. It's g

critical, just like that o

found that there seemed to be a special r

n keeping me for dinner. It was hard to refuse her kindness.

tick off and put it onto my p

mmediately unhappy. He pounded on

. "It's okay. They are children. I

ed and kept sta

ff the second drumstick

o angry that he threw th

d on Oliver's face, but he didn't say an

ad eaten in my hand on Henry's face and ran out with Oliver, holdin

a child. No wonder I would be

Oliver and then took

ood oozing from the wound on Oliver's face. She immediat

yed at my home

nt old lady and a tall handsome young man with a slim figure wal

ver in the kinder

see him in p

nd finally passed the entrance exam o

saw Oliver's name in the list of s

cial surname, so

ilding, I saw a young man in a black T-shirt with

shadow, but I could sti

pressionless, but the mom

y, lowered his head, and sai

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